Elementary school 3 children suffering from cancer

Elementary school 3 children suffering from cancer / Health News

Primary school: Three children suffering from cancer


In the forest of Brandenburg three children of a primary school have cancer. It was reported that the site is burdened by the legacy of a GDR textile cleaning company. Now, first measurements have shown that the indoor air in the school is not harmful to health.

Toxic legacies from GDR times
After it became known that three children at a primary school in Brandenburg are suffering from cancer, was searched with great effort for the possible causes. First, toxic legacies from GDR times were considered as possible triggers. But now it was announced that there was no evidence of health risks after an initial analysis of indoor air measurements at school. As the „Berlin morning mail“ reported, parents do not want to let their offspring back to school yet. They distrust the administration and insist on it, „that they give us the original log of the measurements.“

Soil was contaminated by dry cleaning
The cancer of the children could be connected with environmental pollution from times of the GDR. This was or is assumed. As Deputy Mayor Sven Zuber (CDU) announced last week, this should be investigated. „At that time there was a dry cleaning in the city“, the deputy mayor reported loudly „Berlin morning mail“. The „Lusatian textile cleaning Forst“ For decades, volatile organic solvents (CHCs) have been used as solvents. „The soil was thereby contaminated. The groundwater flow carries the impurities to the northern city center“, so Zuber.

Carcinogenic substances
Some of the hydrocarbons have a high toxicity and are also carcinogenic. Those exposed to the pollutants over a long period of time can develop damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. The carcinogenic effect usually affects the liver, but also kidney, lung, breast and gonadal tumors as well as leukemia can occur. „The load with CHC is monitored. The previously measured load is below the limit values“, the deputy mayor declared. „According to environmental experts, a danger can be ruled out. But now we want to underline this with measurement series.“ Zuber emphasized that a systematic study of around 260 students and teachers on a possible disease is out of the question at this time. However, if appropriate findings are made during the air investigation, such investigations would also be initiated.

Suspicion is not confirmed at first
According to the data, the measurements of the Occupational Health Service of March after the evaluation did not reveal anything conspicuous. „All substances examined by the laboratory are not detectable at all or in low concentrations that are not relevant“, it was said. Chloro-organic compounds from the former cleaning had also been investigated. „They were not detected at all four measuring points in the basement and on the ground floor by this first investigation“, it was said by the city. „Thus, the expressed suspicion of a connection with the former cleaning and illnesses at the school site was not confirmed at first.“

Parents do not want to send their children to school
Vice mayor Zuber still wants to do research. On Friday, he announced that the in-depth measurements would be evaluated by other labs. The investigations into around 100 pollutants, according to the information also consider building materials in the renovation of the building. By the end of April, all results would be evaluated. However, several parents do not trust the reports of the city administration. Frank Schneider, for example, explained aloud „Berlin morning mail“: „We will insist that you give us the original protocol of the measurements.“ He then wanted to have this evaluated by a commissioned expert. He also stays with his demand to have the children taught elsewhere until every danger is excluded. (ag, ad)