Big recall started thousands of eggs contaminated with insecticides

Big recall started thousands of eggs contaminated with insecticides / Health News
Eggs loaded with biocide are recalled
In North Rhine-Westphalia eggs are recalled from the Netherlands; they should be contaminated with an insecticide. According to media reports, almost 900,000 pieces were sold in Germany. According to experts, normal consumption levels do not assume a health risk.

Unauthorized biocide used
In North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), eggs contaminated with biocide are recalled from Dutch production. According to a report by the West German Broadcasting Corporation (WDR), according to the findings of the monitoring authorities in laying hen herds, the unauthorized substance fipronil was used. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is used, among other things, against fleas, lice, ticks, cockroaches and mites. A health hazard is unlikely.

In NRW, hundreds of thousands of eggs are recalled. They should be contaminated with an insecticide. There is no health risk. (Image: motorolka /

Almost 900,000 eggs were traded
Of the approximately 2.9 million eggs that were delivered from the affected stocks to NRW, some 875,000 units were sold.

As reported by the WDR, the affected eggs carry the stamp imprint 1-NL 4128604 or 1-NL 4286001. The laying dates are thus in the period from 9 to 21 July 2017.

It is not yet clear which markets exactly the eggs have been expelled.

Only small amounts of the insecticide detected
According to WDR, only a small amount (maximum 0.11 mg / kg) of the biocide was detected in the eggs delivered to NRW.

Therefore, there is no danger to health when consumed normally.

According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) "a fipronil concentration of 0.72 mg / kg (sum of fipronil and the sulfone metabolite MB46136, calculated as fipronil) in chicken eggs may be considered as the maximum concentration for which none of the consumer groups investigated have an acute health Risk exists ".

The BfR had recently been asked to assess the health risk of consumers after higher levels of fipronil were detected in eggs and egg products in Belgium. (Ad)