Great danger of confusion when gathering wild garlic
Consumer Minister advises caution when wild garlic picking
With the current spring temperatures, wild garlic lovers will get their money's worth again. But the Baden-Württemberg consumer minister advises collectors now to be careful, because the leaves of wild garlic could easily be confused with those of the highly poisonous Herbstzeitlose and the lily of the valley.
In case of doubt leave to the left
At present, many people are returning to gather wild wild garlic in forests. However, caution is advised, as the mild substitute garlic can be confused with other highly poisonous plants. For example, Baden-Württemberg's consumer minister Alexander Bonde (green) advises bear-garlic collectors to take care when picking herbs, as these could easily be confused with those of the autumnal season and the lily-of-the-valley. On Friday he announced in Stuttgart: „This ignorance can even have fatal consequences. Therefore, I advise consumers to leave the herbs in case of doubt left.“
At first signs to the doctor
Autumn-time lilies and lilies of the valley grow at the same time and in similar places as wild garlic, but the doppelgangers store in their leaves ingredients that can trigger life-threatening poisoning after consumption. The first signs of poisoning are nausea and vomiting, cramps, cardiovascular complaints and blood in the stool. These symptoms can occur two to six hours after consumption. Then a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible or an emergency doctor should be contacted. According to the ministry, an elderly couple died in 2004 because it had mixed wild garlic with the autumnal season.
Wild garlic smells like garlic
As Bonde explained, leaves are the most important difference between the plants: „Each wild garlic leaf grows on a single stem from the ground, usually in groups close together. In contrast, lilies of the valley always have two leaves on a stalk.“ And in the autumn timeless, the leaves are initially close to the stem and then unfolded. A significant difference is also noticeable in the smell. For example, the leaves of wild garlic smell like garlic if they are rubbed between the fingers but not the other two plants.
Small fox tapeworm eggs on wild garlic leaves
But even the experts, who recognize wild garlic beyond doubt, should not eat the wild vegetables without hesitation. Consumer Secretary Bonde warns of the eggs of the Little Fox Tapeworm, which could stick to the wild garlic leaves from the forest. These could be killed only at cooking temperatures from 60 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, it does not help to just wash off or freeze the wild garlic.
Healthy wild garlic
However, the warnings should not lead to completely abstaining from wild garlic, because the plant is basically very healthy. For example, the consumption of wild garlic in accordance with the approaches of herbal medicine helps to regenerate the intestinal flora and stimulates the metabolism. In addition, the wild vegetables in natural medicine in a whole set of symptoms used. Thus, the medicinal plant can alleviate symptoms of asthma, fever and bronchitis. Wild garlic can also be used for high blood pressure and contains important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, iron and sulfur. Like garlic, wild garlic has a slightly vasodilating property, cleanses the blood and develops an antibiotic effect after eating. Wild garlic can be excellently used in salads, soups, dips or pasta in the kitchen. (Ad)