Green cucumbers no EHEC transmitter

Green cucumbers no EHEC transmitter / Health News

Green cucumbers no EHEC HUSEC 41 transmitter


No one in Germany currently eats green cucumbers. In most supermarkets, the cucumber shelves are empty. But apparently the suspicion of the Spanish cucumbers as transmitters of the dangerous EHEC pathogens was too fast. Although the germ could be detected on the cucumbers, but the bacterial strain is not one of the currently rampant EHEC germs.

Green cucumbers are germinated, but not life-threatening
It was probably a false suspicion that was directed to green cucumbers from Spain. The Hamburg health authorities today corrected the warning after cucumbers from Spain were strongly suspected of transmitting the dangerous EHEC germ to humans. Although cucumbers were found to contain bacteria of the EHEC genus, they were a less dangerous and non-degenerate species. Experts found suspicious EHEC bacteria on two Spanish cucumbers but not of the genus of the bacterial strain O104 (HUSEC 41, also known as O104: H4). Thus, the source of the wave of infection is still completely unclear. „Unfortunately, the source for the serious complication cases with HUS syndrome has not been confirmed“, said the Hamburg Health Senator Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks (SPD). Furthermore, the senator is behind the premature publication of the first results of the investigation. Because even the found EHEC germs „could very well cause severe diarrhea.“. It would have been irresponsible not to warn against a possible infection, said the SPD politician. According to the latest information, 15 people have already died of HUS syndrome. Among the victims are 14 Germans and since today also a Swede.

EHEC rapid test is intended to detect pathogens
Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Münster have developed a new rapid test that can provide evidence of the pathogen in a short time before the onset of typical EHEC symptoms. The scientists hope that the test will provide effective help in finding the source of infection. According to the Hygiene Institute, the rapid test could not only examine potential patients, but also suspicious foods in the trade. The process could quickly detect the dangerous infection. „So far, there was no way to prove the pathogen strain“. However, with the help of the molecular biology method, it is now possible to investigate even minimal amounts of germs within a few hours in relation to the specific characteristics of the outbreak strain. Patients who suffer from dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and bloody diarrhea, can tell the doctor within 4 hours if they have EHEC infection or if they have been infected with other bacteria or viruses. The most important thing was to find the source of infection to prevent another transmission path, said Helge Karch, director of the Institute of Hygiene. The test also helps to understand how long healthy people continue to transmit the pathogen.

Farms and traders suffer from consumer refusal
However, greengrocers and supermarkets remain seated on most of their fresh produce. This, of course, has far-reaching implications for trade and agriculture. The largest producer of vegetables and fruits, the Mecklenburg harvest, has already stopped harvesting. Although tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce are proven to be germ-free, retailers are taking fewer and fewer products because people are less and less accepting fresh salads. The situation for the growers has worsened, emphasized plant manager Klaus-Dieter Wilke. The sales market had collapsed by more than half. The main companies are in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. All goods are continuously examined for germ loads. According to the laboratory results, these are explicit „EHEC-free“, as the agricultural expert emphasized.

As health authorities continue to explicitly discourage buying and consuming fresh vegetables, producers are now demanding state compensation. One can see that consumer protection is ahead of economic interests. „But consumer protection can not be carried out on the back of the producers.“ said the chairman of the Agricultural Organization. It is already with the political leaders in conversation to negotiate compensation. (Sb)

Read about:
Quick test detects EHEC symptoms
Do not panic about EHEC germs
EHEC: No raw fruits and vegetables for pregnant women
EHEC Causes: The pathogen on the trail
Symptoms of EHEC infection
First deaths from EHEC infections
No antibiotic in EHEC
Enigmatic infections caused by EHEC pathogens
Doctors are testing new therapy for EHEC infection

Picture: Andrea Kusajda