Greater danger to life through cyanide Renewed recall for apricot kernels

Greater danger to life through cyanide Renewed recall for apricot kernels / Health News
Increased hydrocyanic acid content detected: Recall of "MorgenLand" apricot kernels
The food producer "Ege Sun" recalls apricot kernels of the brand "MorgenLand". In the product, an increased content of toxic hydrocyanic acid was found. The consumption of this substance can have serious health consequences, with young children it can even lead to death. This recall is not the first of its kind.

Increased content of hydrocyanic acid found in apricot kernels
The food manufacturer "Ege Sun" has announced a recall of apricot kernels (organic) of the brand "MorgenLand". According to a company statement, an official review found "an increased level of hydrocyanic acid in two packs". This substance can be dangerous especially for children.

The food producer "Ege Sun" recalls apricot kernels of the brand "MorgenLand". Controls showed elevated levels of hydrocyanic acid in the cores. This substance can have life-threatening consequences. (Image: M. Schuppich /

Purchase price will be refunded
"Our incoming goods analyzes showed no deviations, where the values ​​are in the permitted range," the company writes.

"For reasons of preventive consumer protection", the article "MorgenLand Sweet Apricot Kernels, Organic, 250g", with the following expiry dates / batch numbers, is recalled:

13.09.2017 (L161948), 18.09.2017 (L162030), 08.12.2017 (L162785), 08.01.2018 (L162786), 08.04.2018 (L170875), 07.07.2018 (L171781)

This information can be found on the back of the packaging. The manufacturer points out that "do not consume the product and return it to the respective outlets". The purchase price will be refunded.

Even a year ago "MorgenLand" apricot kernels had been recalled because of hydrocyanic acid.

Cores for cancer therapy
Hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide) is highly toxic and, according to health experts, can cause damage to the health of children and cause poisoning.

Some people use apricot kernels to prevent the spread of cancer. However, scientists from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have warned against such dangerous cancer therapies.

The cores form cyanide in our body, a substance that, according to a statement from EFSA, is toxic and may even cause death.

Cyanide poisoning can be fatal
"Cyanide poisoning can cause nausea, fever, headache, insomnia, thirst, sluggishness, nervousness, various joint and muscle pains, and low blood pressure. In extreme cases, it can lead to death, "write the experts.

Studies have shown that 0.5 to 3.5 milligrams (mg) of cyanide per kilogram of body weight can be fatal.

EFSA experts estimate that adults can consume three small apricot kernels (370 mg) without exceeding the so-called acute reference dose ("ARfD"). For toddlers this amount would be 60 mg, which is about half of a small kernel.

However, normal consumption of apricot fruits does not pose a health risk for consumers, according to EFSA.

"The kernels are the seeds inside the apricot stone. They are obtained by cracking and removing the hard stone shell, which prevents the cores from coming into contact with the fruit, "explain the experts. (Ad)