Greenpeace warns of carcinogenic sprays

Greenpeace warns of carcinogenic sprays / Health News

The environmental organization Greenpeace has detected high concentrations of carcinogenic substances in several snow sprays. The sprays are a popular Christmas decoration accessory. By spraying the artificial snow a wintry ambience should be created. Even before the current Greenpeace investigation, however, there was a suspicion that the artificial snow sprays may contain harmful substances.


Based on relevant information, Greenpeace has had six different snow spray products tested in the laboratory. In four of the six snow sprays, the testers found high concentrations of carcinogenic substances. The proven ingredients are „prohibited because of their dangerousness in the EU“ , Greenpeace reports in a recent press release. In particular „For children, the snow from the can is an acute danger“, the environmental protection organization continues.

Carcinogenic nitrosamines in snow spray products
Greenpeace has detected the carcinogenic N-nitroso morpholine in four snow spray products. This chemical belongs to the group of nitrosamines and is banned in the EU because of its carcinogenic effects. Concentrations of several hundred milligrams per kilogram were found in contaminated products, according to Greeenpeace. According to information from the environmental protection organization, the pollution was highest in the snow spray of the Meyco Hobby brand. However, a similarly high concentration of the carcinogenic substances was detected in the snow spray of the manufacturer Goodmark. The strains in the products of Gerd Rodermund, Riffelmacher and Weinberger were slightly lower, but here, too, the carcinogenic chemicals still reached concentrations hazardous to health. „Only in the snow sprays of the companies Brauns-Heitmann and Solchim no carcinogenic chemicals were detected“, so the message from Greenpeace.

Greenpeace demands that toxic snow sprays be removed from the market
The Greenpeace expert on sustainable consumption, Jürgen Knirsch, emphasized: „Carcinogenic substances have lost nothing in household products“ and it is particularly worrying when children are exposed to them. Greenpeace therefore called on manufacturers and distributors of snow sprays to immediately remove the contaminated products from the market. Also, the environmental organization pointed out that the sprayed snow is more heavily loaded than the product in its liquid state inside the can. So far, however, remains unclear how the N-nitroso morpholine in the snow spray products. This could already happen during production, first in the can or during the subsequent spraying. In the three ice crystal sprays, which were also tested, the testers found no carcinogenic substances unlike the snow sprays. Here the manufacturers are obliged to explain how the carcinogenic ingredients get into the snow spray products.

Manufacturers and authorities should check snow spray more thoroughly
According to the environmental protection organization, the potentially harmful, toxic snow sprays should not be used in principle. But the other snow sprays should not be used indoors and outside only find use where children do not come into contact with the sprayed snow, according to Greenpeace. The environmental organization explained, „The competent Federal Office for Risk Assessment (BfR) must comprehensively test and evaluate the snow and ice crystal sprays as well as other sprays used in the household.“ Here it could be „not be that the producers do not fulfill their responsibilities and insufficiently check the authorities“, so the Greenpeace expert Knirsch. In general, it must be ensured that „Never get carcinogenic substances into the hands of children.“ (Fp)

Picture: Günther Gumhold