Services can improve health according to the study

Services can improve health according to the study / Health News
Believers die less often early
Many people in the world belong to different spiritual communities. Certainly, the religious belief in certain supernatural or supernatural powers and sacred objects helps to influence human behavior, thinking and feeling. Researchers have now found that belonging to a religious community also has a positive impact on our life expectancy. Believing people have a reduced risk of dying prematurely.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University found in their study that belonging to a spiritual community and attending church services are less likely to lead to premature death. The experts published the results of their study in the journal "PLOS one".

Worship gives spiritual people spiritual support and hope in difficult situations. Physicians have now found that attending church services reduces the risk of premature death. (Image: Brian Jackson -

Participation in church services reduces mortality by 55 percent
For example, our religious beliefs promise us different post-mortem expectations that differ from religion to religion. Experts have now found that religiosity also leads to identifiable benefits to health. Participating in services diminishes their risk of premature mortality by 55 percent, especially between the ages of 40 and 65, says Vanderbilt University professor Marino Bruce.

Experts create statistical model to predict the risk of mortality
During their study, scientists collected data from more than 5,000 people. In particular, they considered their presence in church services together with such variables as socioeconomic status and health insurance, the researchers explain. With this data, Professor Bruce and his team created a statistical model that can predict the risk of mortality.

What could the scientists say??
Now, of course, the question arises as to how the result of the investigation has failed. If people had not attended church services at all, they were twice as likely to die prematurely compared to people who had attended services in the last year, say the experts.

Study is not bound to any particular form of belief
The author Professor Bruce himself is a Baptist, but the research he conducts is not bound to any particular faith. The positive effects could be seen in any place where group gather to a kind of worship, explain the doctors. It makes no difference whether this place is a church, a mosque or some kind of temple. It's not about a belief, it's about belief in itself, the scientists explain.

Participation in worship services can reduce stress and thereby prevent disease
In the interest of science, there must be an explanation that can convince even unbelieving people of the results, the researchers explain. Community social support, a sense of compassion (empathy), and the sanctity experienced in worship are likely to help those affected reduce stress, she suggests. Stress usually causes inflammation in the human body and increases the risk of various diseases, explains author Professor Bruce. (As)