Google bracelet for early cancer detection

Google bracelet for early cancer detection / Health News

Google is working on bracelet for early cancer detection


Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Germany after cardiovascular disease. Early diagnosis could save many people. Google is now developing a bracelet with which early cancer detection should be possible.

Bracelet for cancer detection
After cardiovascular disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death in Germany. Last year, a quarter of all persons who died in Germany succumbed to cancer. The sooner the cancer diagnosis is made, the more likely the cure will be. Therefore, research in the fight against cancer is particularly concerned with finding ways and means to detect a disease as early as possible. Google is also involved, and according to press reports, is developing a wristband for early cancer detection.

Stop cancer as soon as it appears
Like the internet portal „“ It is reported that it is a cancer research strategy to work on early detection of harmful cancer cells. The goal of this strategy is to stop the disease as soon as it appears. According to the portal, a team in Google's Google X development department in California is trying to do just that, and in a particularly revolutionary way. So the scientists want to develop a bracelet that detects cancer cells. The project was announced in October 2014, it is said.

Pill with nanoparticles
According to the report, magnetic nanoparticles should be brought into the bloodstream. This could be done by patients taking the nanoparticles in the form of a pill. According to the data, the nanoparticle detectors are supposed to be only one-thousandth of the diameter of a red blood cell and, thanks to their special surface, attach to molecules, proteins and cells in the blood. As „“ writes, then a magnet equipped with a control device - the wearable bracelet - attract the particles and determine the composition of the blood. With this technique, the bracelet could detect various types of cancer cells at an extremely early stage and alert the wearer as soon as possible to a possible disease.

Method at an early stage of development
Even a threat of heart attack could possibly be detected with the method, writes the English newspaper „Independent“. Researchers are now constructing an artificial pair of arms out of a mixture of artificial skin and real human skin. The model arms are needed according to the Internet portal, among other things, to examine different skin types. For example, it is assumed that the detector system works differently with different skin colors and skin thicknesses. The method is still at a very early stage of development and it will probably be years before the product is ready for the market. (Ad)

Picture: Hermann Meinold