Gluten, lactose and co food can literally cause many people to get sick

Gluten, lactose and co food can literally cause many people to get sick / Health News
Gluten, Lactose and Co: Not all foods are suitable for all people
More and more people pay attention to what they eat: for some people sugar is taboo, others refrain from foods with gluten or lactose. Most of them have good reasons to eat one way or the other. They suffer from food allergies or intolerances, or generally want to live healthier lives. But critics say many do so to stage themselves.

Food allergies increase
Food allergies have been increasing for many years. According to estimates by the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), around six million people are affected in Germany alone. "The main triggers in infants and children are cow's milk, soy, chicken eggs, wheat, peanuts and hazelnuts. As a rule, adolescents and adults are more likely to react to raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, fish, crustaceans and molluscs, "reads the DAAB website. However, there are also people who do without certain foods without having an allergy or intolerance. Critics say the reason is often a mix of profiling and self-expression.

More and more people are suffering from food allergies or intolerances. However, some refrain from certain foods, although no health reason exists. (Image: airborne77 /

Different intolerances and allergies
For meat eaters, it has often been difficult in the past for vegans to come over for dinner. Meanwhile, this diet is so common that it should no longer be difficult for most to conjure up delicious menus.

However, cooking for and with friends has generally become more complicated. Finally, there are apparently more and more people who suffer from gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, nut allergy or histamine intolerance or do not want to consume sugar.

Especially in the preparation of a children's birthday, the menu is difficult then. Some people say that does not have to be, because not all people who rely on a food allergy or intolerance really do have one.

Diet is problematized
"The tendency to problematize nutrition has become significantly stronger in recent years," said Jana Rückert-John in a news agency dpa news.

"There are real food allergies and intolerances. But there is also a rapid increase in the perceived or alleged ", says the professor of" Sociology of Food "at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

Nutritionist and author Uwe Knop calls people who avoid certain foods without medical diagnosis, dietary hypochondriacs. "Sometimes I think sugar is the new heroin," he said pointedly.

Although there are no valid numbers to the trend, but scary individual cases. For example, the tragic death of a baby in Belgium who died because the parents fed the little boy for months with liquid only from rice, oats, quinoa and buckwheat. Finally, the malnourished child dehydrated.

"The parents have determined in their own diagnosis that their child has a gluten and a lactose intolerance," said the responsible prosecutor.

Life threatening consequences
That nuts, apples, seafood or celery in adults can cause health problems is beyond question.

"These are the most common food allergies," explained Margitta Worm, head of the outpatient clinic at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology at the Berlin Charité, in the dpa report.

The consequences range from itchy rash and swelling to gastrointestinal problems such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting.

"In severe cases, it can also be shortness of breath and circulation reactions," says Worm. The most serious allergic reaction to food is anaphylactic shock, which manifests itself as a life-threatening circulatory collapse.

Number of food allergy sufferers in need of treatment
According to the German Allergy and Asthma Association, the number of food allergy sufferers in need of treatment is estimated at seven percent of the population.

However, the dpa report states that statistically speaking, such allergies only affect two to three percent of adults and are thus less common than, for example, hay fever at around 16 percent.

In children, the rate of food allergies is therefore slightly higher at five to six percent. However, according to Worm, for example, milk protein allergies often went away until school enrollment.

The values ​​of an intolerance to gluten, the sticky protein in some cereals, are still significantly lower. According to the physician, 0.9 percent of the German population suffered from a chronic disease of the small intestine (celiac disease).

The selection of gluten-free products in the supermarket, however, suggest a kind of sudden mass epidemic. Even many people without an intolerance resort to it.

It has long been known that gluten-free foods are not equally healthy for all people.

Typical German
"For me as a sociologist, it's interesting when people describe themselves like that - whether they have it or not," said Jana Rückert-John, according to dpa. "It obviously makes something with them, and it's about the reasons for this self-description."

Nutritionist Knop suspects a mixture of profiling and self-expression. The "I-staging" with renunciation and demarcation serve to remain interesting.

According to John, one finds "connection and ally. Anyone who has no allergy or intolerance is almost boring today ".

But it was basically a positive aspect, when people think and talk about food more. "But it is typically German to problematize it so much."

According to the sociologist, affluent society is causing problems for the German citizens. "There is a high degree of uncertainty associated with this abundance," John said.

On the one hand there is the topic of health, that is to say the various diseases associated with nutrition. On the other hand, negative environmental effects such as animal husbandry and intensive agriculture also played a role.

"And then comes the point of your own responsibility." Out of this uncertainty then some decided to restrict themselves.

Good business for the trade
For the manufacturers of corresponding goods, the new trend is obviously very productive. "Lactose free" and other "free from" products sell well.

Coconut, soybean, rice, oat, almond or hemp milk are now available in almost every supermarket, even though a maximum of one fifth of the population suffers from lactose intolerance.

"These are phenomena of a supersaturated affluent society that can afford the pathologization of staple foods such as milk and cereal products," said Uwe Knop in the dpa message.

For the food trade, it was a good deal. "Gluten-free pasta costs 1.55 euros, normal noodles 49 cents."

Knop is worried about the really affected. "The real allergic people suffer that many do not take their problem seriously anymore. It's like desensitizing society. "(Ad)