Globuli Can Homeopathy Heal?

Globuli Can Homeopathy Heal? / Health News

Globulin Can Help Homeopathic Globules?


They are no larger than a pinhead, have a round, milky-white appearance and belong to homeopathy or alternative medicine, such as the stethoscope to conventional medicine. Globulis serve as a carrier substance of various active substances which are supposed to bring about relief of disease symptoms or even a healing.

For a long time people have been arguing over whether classical homeopathy can really help or if only hot air is behind it. Christin Weymayr from Herne, author of the book "The Homeopathy Lie“ says: „There is nothing in it but sugar. Unless you believe in ghosts“. And that is the point of view of conventional medicine, whose representatives have too few scientific facts. In contrast, the naturopath Christine Liebing-Gabel, spokeswoman for the Association of Classical Homeopathy Germany in Ulm, the treatment of homeopathy for a holistic approach that just treated not just the symptoms or medications by initiating a pain relief. "Classical homeopathy is a completely different system of thought than conventional medicine," she replies to the critics.

Man is the focus of treatment
For the alternative practitioner, the human being is the focus. The patient is asked about his pain, how he perceives him, when he appears and if sleep brings recovery. The initial history can take two hours, if one follows the extensive list of the inventor of classical homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann. The basic assumption is the similarity principle: „The same should be cured by something similar“

A remedy for all symptoms
"We are circling the complaints more and more and can find in the end a homeopathic remedy that fits all symptoms and so individually to the patient," explains Liebing Gabel.

With homeopathic remedies overdose is practically impossible, explains the Naturopath. It does not matter if 5 globules are taken or 500. Ingestion creates a specific stimulus in the body that stimulates vitality and self-healing powers. The globules are taken once or twice. Then wait and see. Relief usually occurs within a short time. In chronic cases, it takes longer.

Complaints disappear by themselves
For the postdoctoral biologist Weymayer, there are doubts as to whether the little balls actually exert any effect. He points out that most complaints usually disappear on their own. „The improvement coincides only coincidentally with the ingestion of the globules“, says the critic. He does not speak of the placebo effect, which induces an improvement in patients only by a pleasant trappings.

For Christoph Laurentius, a member of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians, it is clear that man is more than the sum of his cells: "According to the current state of science, we can not explain why homeopathic remedies work." That they work, I experience every day . "

He sees the dilemma that under the term homeopathy much is summarized. With worries, many naturopaths consider that people in throat or stomach pain from the pharmacies a bottle full of beads get pressed into the hand. There is a high chance that it will not work, because it does not just treat the symptoms.

People with chronic diseases are among the patients
"The clientele who come to a naturopath are people with chronic illnesses who have previously gone from doctor to doctor and experienced no improvement," explains Liebing Gabel. The classics often include infections, hay fever, asthma, allergies, migraines, rheumatic complaints, atopic dermatitis or hypertension.

In severe diseases, globules should not be given as the only remedy. Rather, they can be used to help alleviate complications in cancer treatments. "I try to strengthen the patient and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation," says Laurentius.

He is a doctor by himself. Ideally, traditional medicine and homeopathy complement each other and are used together in targeted treatments. What the patient finally trusts is still his business. (Fr)

Picture: Dr. Leonora black