Mulled wine on Christmas markets often bad

Mulled wine on Christmas markets often bad / Health News

Mulled wine quality on Christmas markets partly poor


At a price of over three euros for a cup of mulled wine, you should actually expect a good quality. The fact that this is not the case is shown by regular mulled wine inspections, which are carried out in Berlin. Drivers should avoid the hot drink anyway better.

Already with the second cup driver license loss threatens
Even a glass can be too much. As the Thuringian TÜV warns, you could already have 0.3 per thousand in the blood after enjoying a cup of mulled wine. With this value, there is a risk of being reported for drunk driving, at least when involved in an accident or driving error. From a value of 0.5 per thousand, the driver's license is also without accident for up to three months away, also a fine and points are due. This limit can already be reached with the second glass. For mulled wine is particularly treacherous that it is never clear how high the alcohol content really is.

Wine law sets standards
The EU has laid down in its wine law which quality standards must meet mulled wine. Thus, the alcohol content should be between at least seven and no more than 14.5 percent. The hot drink may be made from red or white wine and contain spices such as cinnamon and cloves. It is generally forbidden to stretch mulled wine with water or to heat it to over 78 degrees. If the respective criteria are not met, the drinks may only be used as „flavored alcoholic beverages“ are sold, otherwise penalties threaten up to 1,000 euros.

About 90 percent of the wholesale
„You cant complain.“ This sentence, which is so popular among Berliners, is unfortunately often not appropriate for mulled wine. This can also be noticed again and again by Peter Scheib. He is a wine inspector for various district offices in Berlin and inspects each year mulled wines on Christmas markets in the capital. „Sometimes I am glad to be able to spit out the wine again, just like chemicals at the dentist“, he told the Berliner Tagesspiegel. Around 90 percent of the beverages offered on the market come from wholesalers. „But there are also some winemakers who offer excellent products“, so Scheib.

Partly deficient
Last year, 11.5 percent of its 52 samples evaluated in the state laboratory Berlin-Brandenburg were defective in quality or labeling. The most common mistakes were the low alcohol content and a bad taste. Scheib advises to look at the color of the mulled wine, because if this assumes a brownish tone, the wine is already oxidized. This happens when the drink has been kept warm in the pot for too long. Fresh mulled wine can be recognized by its beautiful dark red color.

Proud price is worthwhile only for homemade mulled wine
The wine inspector also recommends that the stand operator inquire whether the offered mulled wine is a ready made mix from the wholesaler or has been made by himself. In wholesalers, a whole liter of mulled wine costs only one euro. Therefore, the proud price of three euros to 3.5 euros per cup actually worthwhile only for homemade mulled wine. (Ad)

Image: Wolfgang Dirscherl