Glaucoma Study Can Protect High Nitrate Vegetables?

Glaucoma Study Can Protect High Nitrate Vegetables? / Health News
The abundant consumption of green vegetables, cabbage and other high-nitrate foods may protect against glaucoma. This is shown by the results of an observational study.

Green vegetables are protective. Picture: pilipphoto - fotolia

Nitrates are contained in green leafy vegetables. In lesser quantities they are also contained in cabbage, beetroot and potatoes. Nitrates are needed in the body to produce nitric oxide (NO) and play a role in regulating intraocular pressure.

Boston scientists studied the influence of nitrate-containing foods on glaucoma prevalence. They used data from the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, where participants were regularly asked about their dietary habits.

The researchers determined from the data the daily nitrate intake. It was found that the incidence decreases with the nitrate intake. Participants with a high nitrate intake (about 240 mg / d) were 21% less likely to suffer from nitrite intake (about 80 mg / d). The study can be found here. (Pm)