Toxins in Bubble Tea

Toxins in Bubble Tea / Health News

Scientists find carcinogenic substances in bubble tea


The balls in Bubble Tea apparently contain carcinogenic substances and other harmful ingredients. Researchers from the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) have detected PCB-like substances in all samples when investigating nine samples from a Mönchengladbach bubble tea business „Rheinische Post“ (RP).

Carcinogenic PCB-like substances in bubble tea
The proven chemicals in Bubble Tea can significantly increase the risk of cancer and also act as a trigger for allergies. Thus, the debate about the health risks of the fashion drink in the coming days is likely to sharpen significantly. Recently, potential health risks for toddlers were the focus of criticism due to the risk of swallowing colorful balls. Also, the high calorie content of the bubble tea has already been repeatedly demanded. However, the dangers of harmful, PCB-like ingredients are of a different weight. The proven harmful substances styrene, acetophenone and brominated substances, have „in food have nothing to look for ", quotes the „RP“ the expert Manfred Möller from the Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at the University of Aachen.

Bubble Tea is generally a health risk?
Together with the Mönchengladbacher company „Leco instruments“ The scientists at the RWTH Institute of Hygiene have examined nine samples of the colorful Bubble Tea balls that are used to make the fashion drink. The balls are the special attraction of the mixed drink, but were already a cause of strong criticism, as there is an increased risk of swallowing for smaller children, according to consensus assessment of the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and consumer centers in the worst case can lead to lung collapse. However, it is rightly noted that Bubble Tea is not suitable for toddlers because of its high sugar content anyway. Older children, adolescents and adults, on the other hand, should get along with the balls in the fashion drink or their risk of swallowing is minimal. However, the pollutants that have now been discovered are absorbed by all consumers, so that there is generally an increased health risk here.

In Bubble Tea is „a lot of dirt in it“
The researchers of the Institute of Hygiene at the RWTH have found in the samples analyzed several harmful ingredients such as styrene, acetophenone and brominated substances. With regard to the associated health risks Manfred Möller explained to the „RP“, For example, acetophenone, which is an undesirable by-product of many manufacturing processes, is suspected of triggering allergies. In addition, the PCB-like materials detected in all samples increase the risk of developing cancer, the expert explained. According to him, Bubble Tea is in the balls „a lot of dirt in it.“ From the side of the Mönchengladbach Bubble Tea business, which belongs to a nationwide chain of stores, has been explained to the current investigation results so far only that the balls from Taiwan are sourced from a large manufacturer, in which many German suppliers order their goods. This suggests the suspicion that the harmful substances are also detected in other bubble tea providers. Presumably, the current release is therefore not the last health warning bubble before tea.

Pollutant concentrations in Bubble Tea not yet determined
To date, the RWTH scientists have not been able to provide information on the concentrations of pollutants in the bubble tea, so that the actual health risk is currently hardly determinable. Opposite the „RP“ explained experts of the Chemical and Veterinary Examination Office in Münster, which analyzed the food on behalf of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia that the sample quantity at the find in Mönchengladbach were too small to make a reliable statement. The seriousness of exposure to PCB-like substances must therefore be clarified in future investigations. However, it is already clear that not only the high calorie content and the danger of swallowing speak against the bubble tea consumption. Especially since the variants sold in this country have little in common with the natural product Bubble Tea originally offered in Taiwan.

Fashion drink with versatile health risks
Bubble Tea has been on the market in Taiwan for over 25 years. Originally as a pure natural product based on black or green tea. The bursting in the mouth pearls (tapioca pearls) are made from the strength of the manioc plant and then soaked in fruit syrup of different flavors. Over time, however, the mix changed and the natural ingredients were replaced with artificial flavors and additives. Today, Bubble Tea with 300 to 500 kilocalories per 200 milliliters is a true calorie bomb whose regular consumption significantly increases the risk of obesity and related illnesses such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases in the long term. But also the artificial flavors, which are used as a substitute for the natural fruit flavors, are quite critically to be evaluated, since here for example synthetic Azofarbstoffe are used, which are considered as possible triggers for attention deficit / hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). Which health risks emanate from the now discovered PCB-like substances, must further examine investigations. (Fp)

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Health Warning Bubble Tea
Bubble Tea: Modern fattening
Lung collapse due to bubble teas