Toxic World Cup make-up Minister wants to name names

Toxic World Cup make-up Minister wants to name names / Health News

Toxic World Cup makeup: Minister wants to name manufacturers


Although substances that are hazardous to health have recently been found in WM make-up sticks, authorities are not allowed to give names of manufacturers because of federal laws. But the Baden-Württemberg consumer protection minister Alexander Bonde (Greens) does not want to accept this.

Minister wants to call Ross and Reiter
A few days ago was by headlines, how „Forbidden substance in Germany fan make-up“ known that in WM make-up sticks harmful substances were found. Accordingly, the Ministry of Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg had informed that in an investigation of a total of 14 fan make-up products for compliance with European cosmetics law, all samples were complained of. But the authorities are not allowed to give the names of the manufacturers. The Baden-Württemberg consumer protection minister Alexander Bonde (Greens) wants to call now Ross and Reiter.

Nationwide overall concept needed
The authorities have so far been prohibited by federal laws to inform about which products are affected. According to a message from the dpa news agency, Bonde said on Saturday in Stuttgart: „We finally need a nationwide overall concept that allows us to publish our research results in a timely manner, naming the manufacturer and product names.“ It's the only way for consumers to really benefit from the tests and their buying behavior.

All samples tested complained
The cosmetic laboratories of the Chemical and Veterinary Examination Offices (CVUA) Karlsruhe and Freiburg had found banned or undeclared dyes and pigments in all 14 tested samples of black-red-golden make-up pencils. Thus, in nine out of 14 samples, the dye Lackrot (CI 15585) was discovered, which is suspected of causing cancer. The substance has been banned in cosmetics throughout the EU since 1993. Bonde said that since then, the ministry has received numerous inquiries as to which products it is. But according to current legal situation one should not betray that. „That would only be possible with an acute health risk.“

Well tolerated skin creams for protection
Consumer protection experts and family physicians have been given several tips over the past few days on how to protect those who want to paint national colors on their bodies. Thus, quality products should be used on which the ingredients are clearly indicated. In addition, conventional or theatrical make-up can be used instead of the special fan make-up. To prevent it, it is advisable to apply well-tolerated face creams just a few hours before the World Cup make-up, thus avoiding possible skin problems. (Ad)

Image: Timo Klostermeier