Gout change of diet reduces pain

Gout change of diet reduces pain / Health News

Uric acid levels out of balance: Avoid gout attacks

If the joints suddenly hurt, it could be a sign of gout. Without adequate therapy, the symptoms become worse. It can even lead to acute kidney failure. But that need not be. A timely therapy and a change of diet can help.

In the case of gout, there is a disturbance of the purine metabolism, which causes most of the patients to be genetically predisposed. The impairment of the purine-uric acid metabolism is based in the further course, according to the German Rheumatism League either on a high uric acid formation or insufficient excretion of uric acid via the kidneys. In the end, in any case, too much uric acid remains in the organism, causing the level of uric acid in the blood to rise (hyperuricaemia) and the deposition of uric acid crystals at various points. "Those affected have an elevated uric acid level," explains internist dr. Klaus Krüger opposite the "dpa".

Stinging pain in gout. Mostly on the big toe.

Not infrequently, the first symptoms after a particularly rich food (with a lot of meat and / or fish), massive consumption of alcohol, an infectious disease or unusually heavy physical stress, because subsequently increased uric acid accumulates in the body. Similarly, excessive consumption of soft drinks is associated with increased uric acid production. If no treatment is given, the affected person is at worst threatened with damage to the kidneys, which can even lead to kidney failure. "Sometimes, however, it takes up to 30 years to feel pain in the joints," says naturopath Rene Gräber of the "dpa".

Mostly hereditary
In 99 percent of the cases it can be assumed that gout is hereditary. In other cases, for example, chemotherapy or special drugs for the onset of the disease may be the cause of more uric acid.

If the elevated uric acid level is detectable, intervention can be made in good time. This can happen before there is a gout attack. The first symptoms often occur on the big toe. Not infrequently, the symptoms suddenly appear at night. Months or even years can pass after the first attack. "Such restrictions on movement occur, for example, in the area of ​​the finger", so the announcement of the "dpa", citing the pharmacist Rolf-Günther Westhaus.

Diet change as a therapy
A permanent change in diet forms the basis for long-term successful treatment of gout, "as the emergence and the course can be significantly influenced by diet and lifestyle habits," explains the DGE. Consistently conducted nutritional therapy saved medicines and sometimes drug treatment could become completely superfluous. In addition to the low-purine diet with plenty of cereal products, potatoes, selected vegetables, salad and fresh fruit as well as low-fat milk, dairy products, eggs in moderation and sufficient liquid but low alcohol and especially little beer, the aim is to reduce existing overweight. The DGE has shown in the brochure "Eating and drinking with gout" the measures, with which "an increased uric acid concentration in the blood lowered and thus a disease can be prevented." It is important to drink at least two liters of water or tea every day. Even medicinal plants can help: "Thus, affected fresh drops can be prepared, inter alia, from dandelion, stinging nettle and willow," said naturopaths graves against the "dpa". A vegetarian diet for gout also leads to symptom relief in many patients.

The doctor also decides which medications to prescribe. The sooner a therapy starts, the better the chances of a longer period of freedom from symptoms. "A common medication against gout is allopurinol," says Krüger. The drugs are not enough. The lifestyle needs to be changed. (Sb)

: Sigrid Rossmann, Pixelio