Gout sports and vegetarian diet helps

Gout sports and vegetarian diet helps / Health News

At Gicht sport and vegetarian nutrition help


The German Rheumatism League advises gout patients to renounce the ever popular Christmas goose. Meat and especially offal and fish can significantly increase the discomfort.

Exercise and fruits and vegetables
Prof. Stefan Schewe from the German Rheumatism League in Bonn reports that alcohol, meat and fish are taboo for gout patients. Instead, sufferers should take next to two liters of liquid vegetables, fruits, pasta, potatoes or rice. Although it is often difficult for those affected to change their diet to vegetarian diet, this is absolutely necessary. There are numerous cookbooks with special recipes for gout patients. In addition, many vegetarian dishes can be found on the internet. Furthermore, the expert recommends me and dairy products, as they lower the uric acid level.

In addition to nutrition, exercise also has a major impact on the course of the disease. Gout patients should be sure to move sufficiently. Many patients take restraint and avoid exercise. However, this increases the movement restriction. Rheumatism leagues are now available in many cities and offer, for example, dance classes, Tai Chi and Yoga. Aqua-cycling or muscle-building training as part of the Medical Training Therapy (MTT) are also suitable.

What is gout?
Gout is a metabolic disease that is rapidly increasing in Western countries. It is commonly regarded as a disease of affluence. Cause of the disease are increased uric acid levels in the blood. The elevated levels are when the uric acid produced by the breakdown of certain foods, such as meat, either can not be excreted or is over-fed. Crystals form, which deposit and permanently lead to discomfort. Joints and organs are damaged. The kidneys are particularly affected as excretory organs and can develop into the so-called gout kidney. Furthermore, it can lead to the formation of gout nodes (tophi) on bones and in organs. The symptoms of gout include swelling, redness and pain in the most overheated joints and especially in the metatarsophalangeal joint (Podagra). Frequently, gout attacks are accompanied by fever. According to the German Society of Rheumatology, about two percent of people in Germany suffer from gout. (Ag)

Also read:
Gout is a permanent disease
Lemonade favors gout risk
Gout risk due to fasting and diuretic diets
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Image: Sigrid Rossmann, Pixelio