Yawning is relaxing for the eyes

Yawning is relaxing for the eyes / Health News

Through savory yawning new oxygen gets into the cells of the eyes


Computer work makes the eyes tired. Especially people who spend a long time a day in front of the screen suffer from tired, dry eyes. But a simple remedy can help: If you yawn heartily, it gives your eyes relaxation. The Board of Trustees Gutseh (KGS) advises in Berlin.

Yawning makes tired eyes wake up again
The constant view of the computer screen makes the eyes tire quickly. They become dry, begin to burn and turn red. To prevent this, simple exercises help, as the KGS informs. Thus, strong yawning against tired eyes. The cells would be supplied in this way with new oxygen and the tense muscles in the face, neck and diaphragm are relaxed. The eye experiences thereby a relaxation.

In dry eyes, consciously help to blink, so that the organ of vision is wetted with tear fluid, so the KGS. In addition, eye drops may be necessary for very dry eyes.

Also relieving is an eye massage. The skin of the nasal root is held between two fingers, while the index finger of the other hand is moved with slight pressure over the forehead above the bridge of the nose.

Heat can also be relaxing on the eyes, informs the KGS. When the palms are first rubbed against each other and warmed up and then placed on their closed eyes, they relax. After a few deep breaths in and out, the eyes should be opened with blinking blinks. (Ag)

Image: Kathi Ray