Yawn also in chimpanzees contagious

Yawn also in chimpanzees contagious / Health News

Chimpanzees yawn with humans


Yawning is contagious, both for humans and for various animals such as certain monkeys or dogs. A study now shows that chimpanzees can even be animated by humans to show a special empathy.

Chimpanzees are infected by the yawning of unknown people
Yawning is contagious, and not just for humans. Researchers from Emory University in the US state of Georgia have now found out that chimpanzees can be infected by the yawning even unknown people. However, foreign chimpanzees or blood-chested baboons can not encourage these monkeys to yawn, as the scientists in the journal „Proceedings of the Royal Society B“ to report. The researchers suggest that positive experiences with a foreign species are the prerequisite for such an empathetic feeling.

Yawning only contagious in your own social group
For scientists, contagious yawning is a means to test the extent of empathy. Several years ago, the behavioral scientist Frans de Waal and his colleague Matthew Campbell had shown that chimpanzees can be infected by the yawning of other chimpanzees. But only if they belong to their social group. As the researchers write, foreign chimpanzees in the wild met hostile and this hostility was contrary to the empathic feeling. Presumably, the blood-chested baboons would not be considered hostile, but socially meaningless to chimpanzees.

Emotional attachment has an effect on yawning
Emotional closeness has an effect on the way people go along, too. Researchers at the University of Pisa found out in a study years ago that yawning is all the more contagious the higher the emotional connection with the other person. This was most pronounced among family members, followed closely by friends and most recently by strangers. However, people with disorders such as autism and small children are not infected with yawning because they lack empathy. Empathy is the ability to recognize and respond to other people's emotions, thoughts, intentions and personality traits.

Yawning against dry eyes
But some people do not yawn, because someone is infected, but quite consciously. Yawning is one of several recommended exercises to relax when you have tired and dry eyes. Because it can be very easy and effective humidification and cleaning of the eyes are initiated. The eyes become moist and the burning disappears again. In addition, the yawning relaxes the facial muscles and oxygenation is increased. (Sb)

Image: Kathi Ray