Clove works against pain

Clove works against pain / Health News

Herbal Medicine: Cloves have a pain-relieving effect


The clove is not only an interesting and tasty spice, but also has a high health value in natural medicine. For centuries, the clove is used as a home remedy for toothache, herpes viruses and bad breath. The plant is valued for its antiviral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory power.

In addition to non-medical practitioners, more and more doctors and scientists of the clove certify an analgesic healing effect. In the medicine „All the cloves, clove oil and isolated ingredients are used“, explains Johannes Gottfried Mayer of the „Research group Klostermedizin“ at the University of Würzburg. The special preparations can be especially „Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth and throat“ alleviate, says the expert.

Centuries old home remedy for toothache
According to the researcher, cloves have been used for toothache for several hundred years. In conventional dentistry, the extracts are now used in root canal fillings. Research has shown that the plant, when properly used, is antiviral and, in particular, effective against herpesviruses. In natural medicine, the spice plant is also used for abdominal pain, flatulence, hard stomach, bloating and insect bites. There are also beneficial effects on skin inflammation and acne.

High content of essential oils
The secret of the medicinal plant „is above all the very high proportion of essential oils“, which is 14 to 26 percent. They consist essentially of 70 to 85 percent eugenol, which is also found in cinnamon. About 15 percent are eugenol acetate and another 5 to 12 percent are β-Caryophyllene. In addition to the essential oil cloves contain about 12 percent tannins and in smaller quantities flavonoids and phytosterols. Eugenol has an anesthetic effect, which is why cloves are used to relieve pain in toothache. Won clove oil is offered due to the pain-relieving effects as solutions for gargling in sore throat many times together with other plant substances in pharmacies.

The clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is native to the Moluccas and southern Philippines. Meanwhile, the spice plant is also grown in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Indonesia, Zanzibar and South America.

In the course of a scientific studies, Spanish researchers have the university „Miguel Hernandez“ investigated the proportion of essential oils and spices. In the comparison, the Mediterranean spices rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano and cloves were examined. It turned out that the cloves had the highest content of antioxidants in the form of polyphenols. Adding the spice to meat dishes could stop harmful fatty oxidation and provide health benefits. (Sb)

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Image: Dorothea Jacob /