Health Study Ten servings of fruits and vegetables per day would be even better than five

Health Study Ten servings of fruits and vegetables per day would be even better than five / Health News
Expert advice: every day ten servings of fruits and vegetables
Nutrition experts agree: Vegetable food is healthy. It contains numerous vitamins, phytochemicals and important minerals and fiber. Most are advised to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Researchers now think ten portions would be even better.

Ten hands full of fruits and vegetables a day
Last year it was reported that German fruit and vegetable consumption is stagnating and still below the recommended per capita consumption. Most experts recommend at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. For example, the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) wrote years ago: "Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily (3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit)." They explained: "The measure for a portion is your own hand. This results in amounts that are appropriate for age and body size. "But now there are dissenting opinions on the question of how much fruit and vegetables are to be recommended. Researchers now think it should be better ten servings per day.

Nutrition experts recommend consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Researchers now report that ten servings a day would be better. This could reduce the risk of illness and premature death. (Image: monticellllo /

Herbal food is healthy
The fact that herbal food is healthy has already been proven in numerous scientific studies. For example, studies indicate that fruits and vegetables keep the heart healthy.

In addition, it is known that the higher the risk of stroke or heart attack, the higher the consumption of vegetables and fruit.

In addition, certain plant substances in fruits and vegetables help with weight loss, as researchers have found.

But how much of it should it be? Researchers from the UK reported several years ago that seven rather than five servings of fruits and vegetables would be better.

Ten portions would be even better, according to a recent meta-study by an international team of scientists. The results of the study, involving experts from Norway, the UK and the US, were published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

Ten servings a day would be better
Study author Dr. Dagfinn Aune said in a statement from Imperial College London: "We wanted to find out how much fruit and vegetables to eat in order to get the maximum protection against disease and premature death. Our results suggest that although five servings of fruits and vegetables are good, ten per day are even better. "

To get to their results, the researchers analyzed data from 95 studies, in which a total of about two million subjects were involved.

Although it has been shown that even the consumption of 200 grams of fruit and vegetables per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature death enormously, but at 800 grams - according to the scientists, the amount corresponds to ten servings - is the Effect much clearer.

Accordingly, the risk of heart disease decreases by 24 percent, that of a stroke by 33 percent, that of tumors by 13 percent, and premature death by 31 percent.

According to the information, the risks were assessed in comparison to persons who do not eat any fruits and vegetables at all.

Which varieties help against which diseases
Researchers also looked at which varieties specifically reduce the respective disease risks.

They found that apples, pears, citrus fruits, green salads and vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and chicory and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

And the risk of cancer could be mitigated by green vegetables such as spinach or green beans, yellow vegetables like peppers and carrots and cruciferous vegetables.

Although according to Dr. Aune still needed further research, but already the research made it clear that "a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with tremendous health benefits and we should try to increase consumption in our diets." (Ad)