Health risks Drinking water must be boiled in some places in Bavaria

Health risks Drinking water must be boiled in some places in Bavaria / Health News

Authority warning: drinking water must be boiled because of germ contamination

Because of possible germs residents of certain places in the district of Freising have to boil their drinking water. That's what the local health department ordered. Investigations have shown a limit violation. Due to the stress could lead to health impairments.

Abkochgebot for drinking water

The health department Freising in Upper Bavaria has asked the inhabitants of certain places to boil their drinking water because of a possible contamination with germs. According to a notification, the order applies to all consumers of drinking water in the water supply area of ​​the Baumgartner Group. According to the data, the findings of a drinking water test exceeded the limit value.

In parts of Bavaria, people are warned against drinking tap water without boiling it. In tests, a bacterial load in drinking water had been found. (Image: Hyrma /

Health-threatening germs

"Due to a possible contamination of drinking water with germs that could cause diarrhea and other diseases, the health department and the Wasserzweckverband Baumgartner Group have ordered the Abkochgebot," it says on the website of the district.

According to a report of the Bayerischer Rundfunk an excessive coliform bacterial value had been found.

The bacteria called Escherichia coli (E. coli) belong to the natural intestinal flora of humans and animals.

Some of them, according to health experts, can cause gastrointestinal infections with indigestion such as abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Particularly at risk are infants, pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Unfortunately, such impurities are not uncommon, they occur locally and occasionally again and again.

Use only when boiled

The public health department Freising points out that the water taken from the facilities of the Wasserzweckverband Baumgartner Group, "immediately for immediate consumption (drinking water), for the preparation of food and drinks (juices, baby food, ice cream, ice cubes, etc.) or used in the treatment of food (eg washing salad and vegetables) only when boiled (until it bubbles) "may.

In addition, items that come into contact with food, such. As dining and drinking utensils are cleaned in automatic dishwashers at a temperature of 60 ° C or above.

If no appropriate cleaning is possible, boiled water must be used immediately. Ensure complete drying after cleaning.

According to the information, chlorine is temporarily added to the drinking water for disinfection within the permissible limits of the drinking water ordinance.

Concerned citizens can inform themselves at the water purpose association Baumgartner group under the telephone number 08168/1502.

Affected places

Affected in the district of Freising are the areas in the public drinking water supply network in the following municipalities or their districts:

For the city Moosburg / Isar only the districts
Niederambach, Oberambach, Kirchamper, Feldkirchen, Pillhofen and Murr

For the market Au / Hallertau only the districts
Reichertshausen, Dobl, Sindorf, Mosbuch, Holzmair, Sillertshausen and Willertshausen

For the market Nandlstadt
Nandlstadt and the districts Baumgarten, Andorf, Kronwinkl, Reith, Zeilhof, Schatz, Hadersdorf, Altfalterbach, Schwaig, Kollersdorf, Tölzkirchen, Gründl, Kitzberg, Figlsdorf, Wadensdorf, Aiglsdorf, Höll, Meilendorf, Brudersdorf, Weihersdorf, Kleinwolfersdorf, Riedhof , Kleingründling, Zulehen, Faistenberg, Bauernried, Großgründling, Oberholzhäuseln, Unterholzhäuseln, Riedglas, An der Forstleiten, Thalsepp and Kollerhölzl

For the community Attenkirchen
the entire community area Attenkirchen and the districts Gfeichtet, Pfettrach, Brandloh, Aign, Roggendorf, Aignrüpel, Staudhausen, Gütlsdorf, Pischlsdorf, Berging, Rannertshausen, Hettenkirchen, Wimpasing, Kronsdorf, Gotzendorf, Thalham, Haarland, Hohenmorgen, Gallersberg, Gehausen and Eisenthal

For the municipality of Haag a. d. Amper
the entire district of Haag a. d. Amper and the districts Weihrinnen, Sollern, Plörnbach, Holzhäusl, Wörlhof, Hausmehring, Obermarchenbach, Mittermarchenbach, Untermarchenbach, Seeberg, Inkofen and Wälschbuch

For the municipality walls only the districts
Mönchsberg, Wölflmühle, Kleidorf, Thal, Gandorf, Scheckenhofen, Kronwinkl, Hörgersdorf and Schwarzberg

For the community Wang only the districts
Inzkofen, Sixthaselbach, Bergen, Burgschlag, Grub, Schöneck, Holzdobl, Weghausen, Einhausen, Dornhaselbach, Schweinersdorf, Hagsdorf, Schlag and Scheckenhofen

For the community Wolfersdorf only the districts
Berghaselbach, Thonhausen, Kastenhofen, Sörzen, Kaltenberg, Seel, Badendorf and Alsdorf

For the community Zolling only the districts
Oberappersdorf, Unterappersdorf, Gerlhausen, Harland, Walkertshausen, Osterimbach, Ölpersberg and Haidhof. (Ad)