Healthcare Reform Rösler is in the criticism

Healthcare Reform Rösler is in the criticism / Health News

Healthcare reform: Rösler is criticized from all sides. Trade unions and employers' associations criticize plans for reform. Both sides receive support from the CSU. The Federal Minister of Health Philipp Rösler faces a growing criticism of health care reform. Trade unions, coalition partners and employers criticize the plans for reform.

(21.09.2010) On Wednesday, the Federal Cabinet is to decide on the implementation of plans for health care reform. But the Federal Minister of Health Philipp Rösler (FDP) reaps criticism from all sides. Thus, employers' associations criticize the increase in health insurance contributions. This is a renewed burden on employers. The unions also criticize the one-sided burden on workers. However, Rösler remains in his position: the health care reform will come.

Rösler is criticized from all sides

The Federal Minister of Health Philipp Rösler has no easy stand. From all sides, his plans for health care reform are criticized. Trade unions, social organizations, doctors and even coalition partners are mobilizing. The political debate over health care reform seems to be getting out of hand of the health minister. Already at the weekend Rösler defended his plans. He pointed out that as people grow older (demographic change), health research continues to move forward, dramatically improving the technical capabilities of healthcare delivery. From these facts alone, the health system can not become cheaper in the future. As part of the reform, for example, the general contribution rate to health insurance should rise to 15.5 percent. This sentence should be codified by law. In addition, additional contributions for those in need of tax revenue should be compensated. Especially the last point is heavily criticized from its own ranks. So Rösler had to give up the plan to reimburse unemployment benefits to recipients of the additional contributions. The Union does not want to agree, because the unemployed are over „Covers at a high level“ receive.

Employers Association criticizes additional burdens

The Minister of Health reaps criticism from all sides. Dieter Hundt, President of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), tells the federal government that one has „wrong turnouts“ in health policy. Hundt told the "Passauer Neue Presse": "The coalition has promised stable contributions and the decoupling of health costs from the employment relationship, and in fact the contributions are now being increased at the expense of employees and employers, which is the wrong way". Increase the contributions to the statutory health insurance is the wrong way and drive the cost of work further in the air. Right now in the wake of the crisis, this is the wrong way. "This burdened the economy and employment on the ascent from the deep economic valley," continues Hundt. The employer president is very pleased with the additional contributions. Because these only have to be paid by the employees. "It is at least a small step in the right direction to decouple health care costs from earned income." The fact that also the purchasing power of the employed is reduced, the employer boss does not seem to see.

DGB: Unilateral burden on workers

But unions are running against the additional burdens of worker storm. The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) sees in the contribution increases and one-sided additional contributions further financial burdens on employees. For example, DGB board member Annelie Buntenbach told Hamburger Abendblatt that the coalition is planning "one of the biggest redistribution and stress programs against the citizens". It is finally concealed that the 70 million cash patients in Germany should pay the rising costs of health insurance itself. The economy is spared from the cost increases. The DGB plans numerous protests for the fall. The health reform should also be the subject of the protest. Buntenbach appealed to the CSU to prevent the plans for health care reform.

CSU criticizes health care reform plans

The health reform plans are also criticized from within their own ranks. So the CSU calls on Rösler to take the criticism seriously and to implement the proposed changes. As CSU country group chief Hans-Peter Friedrich told the newspaper "Hamburger Abendblatt:" We must take the critical advice of the health experts of the coalition. "The CSU wants to bring forward on Wednesday proposed amendments.The party is convinced that they will then be implemented.

So far, the FDP health minister is not impressed by so much criticism. He announced last week that he would not let himself be talked into anymore. It could only go to subtleties. In addition, the minister receives encouragement. The private health insurance companies can look forward to high profits. For the plans of health care reform also provide so-called electoral tariffs to prevent the statutory health insurance. For example, foreign health insurance should then be able to be completed only in private health insurance. (sb, fp)

Also read:
Billions in health insurance expected
Rösler contradicts: No additional contributions 2011
Pharmacist lobby & FDP: Together against competition?

Picture credits: Bredehorn J