Health Council Spicy-spicy and very healthy watercress

Health Council Spicy-spicy and very healthy watercress / Health News
Spicy-spicy watercress: Collect only on clean waters
Watercress tastes spicy-spicy to slightly bitter and gives salads a spicy touch. It can be combined very well with fruits such as apples and oranges. The herb refines marinades for meat and fish, potato dishes and steamed vegetables. The finely chopped leaves can be used for pesto, green smoothies, herb butter and quark. Also try a spring watercress soup with white bread croutons. For this, the leaves and fine stems are washed, blanched in salted water, pureed and stirred with a dash of white wine in poultry broth.

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale), also known as watercress, is believed to be native to Southeastern Europe and western Asia. Already in the Middle Ages it was valued as food and medicinal herb. The watercress contains valuable mustard oils, which are not only responsible for the peppery taste. They also act as a natural antibiotic, promote digestion and stimulate the metabolism. Since the spring fatigue has no chance. In addition, watercress is considered a vitamin donor (vitamins A, K, B2 and C) and provides the body with iodine and minerals such as iron and calcium.

Watercress. Picture: hjschneider - fotolia

In spring, the watercress is found on the banks of slow-flowing streams and clear springs. An important feature is the fleshy, feathered leaves. They grow on tall stems up to over the water surface and can spread like a carpet. However, watercress should only be collected from clean waters. It is best transported in a bag or bucket of water to maintain the aroma, advises the Federal Center for Nutrition. The leaves should be washed carefully before preparation as insect larvae or cysts of the liver fluke can adhere to them. The fresher, the better the delicacy tastes from nature. (Heike Kreutz, bzfe)