Health hazard through lifestyle means

Health hazard through lifestyle means / Health News

Lifestyle medicines face dependency and health problems


On the Internet, countless over-the-counter lifestyle medications are offered. Be it thick legs, bacon rolls or wrinkles, for every problem there seems to be the right antidote. Frequently, however, the funds contain ingredients that are anything but harmless. Dependence and other unwanted side effects threaten the consumer.

Beware of lifestyle medications
Many of the free-for-sale lifestyle medications available on the internet are harmless. However, if the remedies work very quickly or have side effects, it is important to see a doctor or consult a pharmacist, recommends Erika Fink, President of the Landesapothekerkammer Hessen. Because then it would be reasonable to suppose that the drug contains active ingredients that fall under the prescription requirement. The use of such medicines without medical advice can cause serious damage to health.

Most lifestyle medications contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, isolated amino acids, caffeine or guarana. According to the expert, these components are harmless. Illegal slimming pills, which the German authorities repeatedly warned about last year, often contain substances such as the banned sibutramine, which can cause acute heart problems. Heart stumbling, racing heart and even a heart attack can be the result. In combination with psychotropic drugs, the interactions can also lead to death. The pills are called by names „Super-Slim“, „Fat Napalm Bomb“ or „Japan Hokkaido - Pill for weight reduction“ distributed. From the acquisition of such slimming products, the authorities strongly advise against.

Lifestyle medications can only be ordered at certified Internet pharmacies
Also problematic are drugs to increase performance, so Fink. Similar to slimming pills, these could lead to dependency or trigger fatigue states with circulatory failure. Lucky pills based on psychotropic drugs can lead to personality changes and nerve damage. Another big market is anti-aging, which is said to have a rejuvenating effect. According to Fink, some of these supplements contain hormones that may pose a risk of cancer.

According to Fink, when ordering lifestyle medications online, it is important to ensure that the provider is a certified Internet pharmacy with the seal of the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI). In addition, the reference to an on-site pharmacy in the imprint is mandatory. Prescription medicines should generally not be sold without a prescription.

For illegal drug companies, the internet is an ideal distribution platform because of its anonymity. Legislation reaches its limits, as many of the dubious companies are abroad or simply can not be identified. In addition, the names of the funds to make consumers believe that it is a different, harmless product. Frequently, for example, in the case of illegal slimming pills on the packaging, promises such as „100 percent natural ingredients“ made, although pure chemistry is included. (Ag)

Picture: Alexandra H.