Health question Going to the sauna despite hypertension?

Health question Going to the sauna despite hypertension? / Health News
Hypertension and sauna: what is there to note?
Many people who suffer from high blood pressure are unsure if they are allowed to go to the sauna. The German Hypertension League e.V. DHL® explains the effects of sauna on the body and what high blood pressure patients should be aware of.

The sauna session is initially a burden on the cardiovascular system. There is an increased release of stress hormones, which also accelerates the heart rate continuously. Research has shown that the upper systolic blood count increases with increasing length of stay in the sauna. The lower, diastolic blood level increases significantly at the beginning of the sauna, and then remains constantly elevated. So there is no drop in diastolic value. The blood pressure reduction occurs only in the resting phase. Then stop it for a long time. Anyone who has a well-adjusted high blood pressure, must not give up the sauna pleasure.

(Image: nd3000 /

Sauna with high blood pressure - that's how it works
Anyone who has not been physically stressed or exercised for a long time, as well as patients with pre-existing conditions, should consult their doctor or alternative practitioner before the first sauna visit. Those who have high blood pressure, for the following applies: The blood pressure should be well adjusted not only at rest, but also under stress.

But if you want to have a regular sauna with well-adjusted high blood pressure, you should also consider other things. On the one hand, beginners should start slowly and increase slowly. The residence time should initially be only about three to five minutes and slowly increased with good compatibility. On the other hand, patients with high blood pressure should avoid a radical cooling after the sauna session in the ice basin or the cold shower.

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In case of poorly adjusted high blood pressure or repeated blood pressure crises, acute heart failure, chest pain with changing symptoms (unstable angina pectoris) and other heart diseases in which heavy loads should be avoided, should be dispensed with the sauna.