Health effects of fragrances in the household

Health effects of fragrances in the household / Health News
Perfumed consumer goods are increasingly becoming a health problem
At the present time, many perfumed consumer goods are used in the households of the population. But what impact do fragrances have on human health? Researchers now found that perfumed consumer goods are a primary source of indoor air pollutants and can negatively impact our health.

Researchers at the University of Melbourne found in an investigation that perfumed consumer goods such as detergents, air fresheners and personal care products are among the major sources of indoor air pollutants. The pollution of these pollutants can have a negative impact on human health. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health".

There are health threats in our homes that most people probably are not even aware of. Medical professionals found that many products in our homes contain unhealthy fragrances. Public buildings, hospitals and airplanes are also often affected by the problem. (Picture: Picture-Factory /

Study examines effects of fragrances on health
The current study was the first of its kind to address the diversity of exposures to perfumes, the authors explain. The doctors examined the associated effects on our health. The necessary data were collected by means of an online survey. More than 1,100 volunteers participated in the study, add the Australian experts. Fragrances are included in every possible product in our homes. For example, cleansers, children's toys and some personal care products contain the harmful fragrances. Doctors already warned that we should be careful with fragrances in cosmetics. Of course, some chemical air fresheners contain harmful fragrances.

Effects of fragrances lead to sick days or job loss
The experts sought to find out if people favor the use of fragrances in public buildings and at home, or if subjects prefer a fragrance-free environment. About 34 percent of the population complain of health problems when exposed to perfumed products. These problems included, for example, migraine headaches and respiratory diseases, explain the physicians. More than 15 percent of people also reported that they had already missed a few days of work or even lost their jobs because of the fragrance product exposure in the workplace.

Many people are calling for public buildings to be fragrance free
About 20 percent of respondents said they leave a store as quickly as possible when they notice air fresheners or the smell of fragrances. More than 50 percent of the population would prefer jobs, healthcare facilities, hotels and airplanes to be fragrance-free, the authors explain.

Most people are unaware of the danger of fragrances
Previous research has found that while commonly perfumed consumer goods emit hazardous air pollutants, more than two thirds of the population are unaware of it. More than 60 percent of people would not use fragrance products if they were aware of the dangers of the contained pollutants, the authors speculate. Most parents probably also do not know that toys can affect their children's health. Other studies have shown some time ago that children are more likely to be allergic to children than previously thought. For example, this is due to the presence of chemical fragrances in dolls and teddy bears.

Reducing fragrance levels improves air quality and overall health
The results of the current study provide strong evidence that fragrances in the general population may have adverse health effects. Reducing exposure to perfumed products could be a cost-effective and relatively easy way to reduce health risks and improve air quality and health, the researchers explain. (As)