How effective can protein ice be?

How effective can protein ice be? / Health News
Protein ice cream: extra portion of protein in the ice
Whether protein bread or protein muesli - products with a high protein content are currently in vogue and appeal especially to fitness-conscious consumers. So there are in some supermarkets, gyms and even in online retail and protein ice cream.

But what does "high protein content" mean? According to the EU Food and Health Claims Regulation (Health Claims Regulation), this claim is only valid if at least 20 percent of the total calorie content is accounted for by the calorie content of the protein content. It gives 1 g of protein about 4 calories. It is therefore a math problem how much protein this ice must contain at least. Often there is significantly more in it than the regulation provides. For example, a 180-ml portion cup, depending on the recipe, contains about 18 g of protein.

Protein ice cream to build muscle.

That is about five times as much as in a comparable conventional product. Main ingredients are usually skimmed milk and whey protein concentrate, which is made from whey. The latter ensures the high protein content. Instead of sugar, the sugar substitute xylitol is partly used.

Although it has 40 percent fewer calories than table sugar and is anti-cariogenic, over-consumption of xylitol can be laxative. Protein ice cream often contains less fat and fewer calories, but this ice often does not come without additives such as emulsifiers or stabilizers.

An extra dose of protein does not need healthy people, as they usually consume a sufficient amount of food. Those who consume too much of this nutrient permanently can also damage their kidneys. Apart from that, you pay a lot more money for protein-enriched products.
Hedda Thielking, bzfe