Health Many popular chocolates are contaminated with mineral oil

Health Many popular chocolates are contaminated with mineral oil / Health News
Chocolate at Öko-Test: Many varieties are contaminated with mineral oil
The consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has taken a closer look at various chocolate varieties and found that they contained mineral oil in all their residues. Only one brand was hardly contaminated.

Mineral oil round in food
For years, there have always been reports of discoveries of mineral oil in food. In recent years, mineral oil residues have been found in countless Advent calendars and chocolate Easter bunnies. The news about mineral oil finds in Ferrero's Kinder-Riegel caused a particularly big stir. However, even if the health hazards are repeatedly pointed out by these substances, the situation does not seem to improve. A recent study by the consumer magazine "Öko-Test" showed that residues of mineral oil were contained in all tested chocolate varieties.

The consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has had 40 types of chocolate examined. The analysis showed that all boards contained mineral oil residues. (Image: digieye /

Residues in all investigated chocolate varieties
Whether white, bittersweet or whole milk, with or without the addition of nuts, almonds and Co, conventional or organic: The consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has a total of 40 chocolates examined in the laboratory and found in all residues of mineral oil.

Petroleum hydrocarbons are derived primarily from crude oil and are divided into two main groups: the saturated petroleum hydrocarbons (MOSH) and the aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons (MOAH).

Both can harm your health. The goods testers also have good news for the fans of the treat: For a brand, the contamination was minimal.

No limits for carcinogenic substances
According to the experts, MOSH can accumulate in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen and adipose tissue and damage organs - in animal experiments, scientists have detected damage to the liver and lymph nodes.

MOAH are even more questionable: this group contains substances that can cause cancer in the least amounts.

According to the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) "there should be no demonstrable transition from MOAH to food."

However, there are no limits at European or national level for these contaminants.

According to a press release from the magazine, mineral oils can be converted to foods in a variety of ways, such as carton packaging, when they are made from recycled paper containing mineral oil-based printing inks.

However, the cocoa beans can also come into contact with the substance in other places, for example by harvesting machines or by lubricating oils, which are used in machine production.

Very different load on two products from one manufacturer
The laboratory analysis commissioned by "Öko-Test" shows "that all 40 chocolates in the test contain MOSH and one in four also MOAH", the statement states.

"Only a single chocolate is safe in our view, because it is minimally contaminated with mineral oil," the experts write on their website.

By far the highest pollution was in the Yes! Dark Chocolate by Rewe. "Our classification into" MOSH increased "," greatly increased "and" very much increased "does not really apply here because the measured value is ten times (!) As high as our highest depreciation level," the testers say.

Very noticeable is the different load of the Aldi South brands Moser Roth and Choceur, which come from the same manufacturer.

According to the data, all five Moser-Roth products contained "very high levels of" MOSH, and MOAH.

Interestingly, the chocolate Choceur Feinherb Nuss from Aldi Süd, which comes from the same manufacturer - Storck - was the only strain that was so low that it was not devalued.

Twelve chocolates were criticized "only" for increased MOSH levels. "Apart from the Aldi South brand Choceur, Ritter Sport and Feodora stand out positively. Among the 13 chocolates rated "unloaded" or "lightly loaded" they are the least polluted, "say the product testers.

One manufacturer changed the packaging after the test
"Eco-test" also pointed in his report to reactions of the manufacturers. For example, Storck, whose Aldi South brand Moser Roth had been accused of loading MOSH and MOAH in all five panels, sent counter-reports.

It was therefore surprising that these reports confirmed the analytical values ​​of the laboratory commissioned by the magazine - within the usual range of variation.

According to "eco-test" Storck also announced that they had changed the packaging of the Moser-Roth-boards. Now in the panels, although still MOSH, but no MOAH more detectable.

Rewe, whose yes! Dark chocolate with the highest level of contamination noticed in the test, did not appear self-critical: "The product is marketable and not passed."

According to Öko-Test, no overall judgment was given in the investigation, as the chocolates were tested exclusively for mineral oil, not cadmium or other pollutants. (Ad)