Health Physical activity keeps children fit and protects against depression

Health Physical activity keeps children fit and protects against depression / Health News
Physically active children are less prone to depression
Years ago, scientific research has shown that sport works in a similar way to antidepressants. Norwegian researchers have now confirmed this relationship for adolescents. Accordingly, physically active children and adolescents have a lower risk of depression.

Sport against depression
According to the German Depressionshilfe fall in Germany every year over five million people in need of treatment, unipolar depression. These diseases are "among the most common and severely underestimated in terms of severity", the experts write on their website. The treatment of depression is traditionally medications (antidepressants) and psychotherapy. Research has shown that sport helps against depression. Norwegian scientists have now discovered that this relationship also applies to adolescents.

Physically active children and adolescents have a lower risk of depression, according to a new study. (Photo: Monkey Business - fotolia)

Exercise in the fresh air
As the researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in the journal "Pediatrics" report, children and adolescents who move a lot and play sports in the fresh air have a lower risk of depression. It is about moderate to lively activities in which the children sweat or get out of breath.

Physical activity protects against depression
To reach their findings, the researchers examined nearly 800 children at the age of six years and carried out around 700 of them follow-up when they were eight and ten years old, reports the trade magazine "EurekAlert!".

Physical activity was measured with accelerometers that served as a kind of pedometer. In addition, parents were asked about their children's mental health.

Study author Tonje Zahl is convinced, given the results, that physical activity is not only healthy but also protects against depression.

The current study was part of the multi-year study "Tidlig Trygg i Trondheim", which deals with child development and mental health.

Review new findings in further studies
According to the experts, physically active six- and eight-year-olds had fewer symptoms of depression compared to less active peers than were re-examined two years later.

Co-author Silje Steinsbekk of NTNU said, "This is important to know because it may suggest that physical activity can be used to prevent and treat depression as early as childhood."

However, according to the researcher, the results should be reviewed in randomized trials.

Reduction of time on TV and smartphone is not enough
"We also looked at whether children showing symptoms of depression are less physically active over time, but have found no evidence that this is the case," says Steinsbekk.

Previous studies with adolescents and adults have shown that a sedentary lifestyle, such as television or computer games, is associated with depression. However, the NTNU experts could not prove such a connection.

Therefore, depressive symptoms do not lead to more inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle does not increase the risk of depression.

The message to parents and health experts is therefore: Limiting the time that children can watch television or spend with their smartphone or tablet is not enough. The little ones also need more physical activity. (Ad)