Health Green Moringa Leaves - Hype or Effective Medicinal Herb?

Health Green Moringa Leaves - Hype or Effective Medicinal Herb? / Health News
"Superfoods" are in fashion, especially if they carry exotic names like Chia Bia - or now Moringa. We looked a little closer; what's up with Moringa? Is the "miracle tree" really that healthy??

Vegana Jones and the tree of life?
Moringa means "tree of life". That sounds like a secret miracle drug hidden deep in a Garden of Eden in faraway lands discovered by a vegan Indiana Jones and realizes that this herb is the key to keeping the locals from getting sick, always looking like 25 and gently falling asleep at the age of 150.

Moringa loves it hot
Moringa is a tree from the arid regions of India, East Africa, Madagascar and Arabia, and the people of these countries have been using it for millennia. The wild form comes from the Himalayas.

New superfood Moringa. Image: Luis Echeverri Urrea - fotolia

Green powder
In this country, we see Moringa mainly as a green powder that dissolves in smoothies, refined salad dressings or skin creams.

Full of vitamins
Moringa is full of vitamins: beta-carotene, B1 and B 2 to a large extent, folic acid and a lot of vitamin C, as well as the antioxidants vitamin A, E and C..

In the hip nutritional lifestyle, a Moringa smoothie replaces the Latte Machiatto. A tablespoon of the powder dissolved in water or a pinch of it in the morning tea helps in the "Green Day".

The powder can also be used in sauces, pancakes or biscuits or sprinkle in the soy milk of cereal.

Lots of protein
Moringa powder contains about 3.2 grams of protein per ten grams, about the same as soybeans, and competes with soybeans for the best substitute for animal protein in vegans.

Face masks from Moringa
Yoghurt, honey and Moringa powder make a good face mask that purportedly cleanses the skin and pores. At any rate, she can not do any harm.

Myth Superfood
Moringa is definitely healthy. But as with all remotely circulated superfoods, the question is whether we really need smoothies from the "tree of life".

Green style versus garden?
Goji and Chia Bia, Matchi and now Moringa praise their sellers as an all-purpose agent against cancer and heart attack, obesity and winter depression. But these "exotics" are often outrageously expensive.

The "conscious" youngster with his 100% organic bag and the leather-free hiking boots could easily get his vitamins from local plants, because so rich and healthy is simple red cabbage.

Goji better than currant?
Acai, for example, praises dealers for its antioxidants. That's true, but domestic blueberries have them too - and even fresh. Chia seeds actually provide omega-3 fatty acids, but also flaxseed. Goji berries are expensive, but they contain vitamin C and minerals - blackcurrants as well.

What does science say??
Magical thinking and Green Health traders excel in worshiping the wonder plant. Moringa is said to help with weight loss, make menopause gentle, lower cholesterol, prevent cell damage, and and and.

High levels of potassium, calcium, seven vitamins and protein have been proven so far.

However: So far there are no extensive studies with humans to prove the possible healing effect of the tree of life.

Leaves equal to powder?
Scientists also warn that the nutrients in the fresh leaves and the dry powder around the German "Nature Food" shop do not have much to do with each other. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)