Health These are the main reasons why fish is very healthy

Health These are the main reasons why fish is very healthy / Health News
Cardiovascular diseases are still the number one cause of death in Germany. Diet is a factor that can influence these diseases. In particular, n-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. What health benefits does the consumption of fish that is rich in long-chain n-3 fatty acids have? Reason for the DGE to take a closer look at the food.

Fish should be eaten often. Image: Jacek Chabraszewski - fotolia

In a comprehensive literature review, she has analyzed more than 50 studies on fish intake and their impact on nutrition-related diseases, concluding that regular fish consumption, especially from high-fat fish, can reduce the risk of fatal heart attack, ischemic stroke and lipid metabolism. The latter is due to the fact that regular fish consumption reduces the triglyceride concentration in the blood and increases the HDL cholesterol concentration.

The influence on the hypertension risk is currently not clear. For this purpose, further studies are needed to prove possible effects. The DGE recommends one to two servings of fish per week, including 70 grams of fatty sea fish like salmon, mackerel or herring.

Partly responsible for these positive effects are probably the long-chain n-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The evidence-based DGE guideline on "Fat intake and prevention of selected nutritional diseases" already demonstrated that EPA and DHA reduce evidence of triglyceride concentration in the blood with convincing evidence and likely risk of coronary heart disease. However, the favorable influence on the triglyceride concentration in the blood was observed only with a supply of n-3 fatty acids, which can not be achieved with the diet. With its latest issue "Fish Consumption and Prevention of Selected Diet-Related Diseases", the DGE shows the direct link between a food and the risk-reducing effect on nutrition-related diseases.

Fish is not the same fish: also choose fatty fish

Fish species such as cod, saithe, hake, plaice or redfish are among the low-fat fish. They deliver between 280 mg and 840 mg of EPA and DHA per 100 g of fish. On the other hand, salmon, mackerel and herring are rich in long-chain n-3 fatty acids. 100 g of herring provides almost 3,000 mg of EPA and DHA. Freshwater fish such as trout or carp have similar levels of n-3 fatty acids as low-salt saltwater fish. Tuna is also a good source of long-chain n-3 fatty acids. However, like swordfish, cod, white fish, pike or hake, it may be contaminated with (methyl) mercury. When consumed one to two portions a week, the health benefits outweigh the negative effects of exposure to mercury and other pollutants. However, women in pregnancy and lactation should limit the consumption of these fish species.

One to two fish a week

Based on current data, 250 mg of EPA and DHA per day are sufficient to prevent coronary heart disease-related deaths. Depending on the type of fish chosen, this quantity can be covered over one to two fish meal times per week, according to the DGE. Whether low in fat or high in fat - in addition to the nutritionally important n-3 fatty acids fish provides valuable, easily digestible protein, selenium and vitamin D. Sea fish are an important source of iodine.

Also in terms of sustainability, one to two servings per week are acceptable. These can be z. B. in each case a portion of high-fat (70 g) and low-fat (150 g) fish are divided. The Germans, however, eat less. The mean intake of fish, fish products and shellfish (excluding dishes based on fish / crustaceans) is 105 g per week for men and 91 g per week for women, according to National Consumer Survey II. 16% do not eat fish at all.

Sustainable fish - it works!

More and more fish stocks are affected by overfishing. The DGE advises when buying fish to ensure a recognized sustainable origin. A conscious choice can support a sustainable and environmentally friendly fishery. Help with purchasing is provided by seals of the various organizations and associations, such as the MSC seal.

Long-chain n-3 fatty acids make fish something special

N-3 fatty acids are also present in nuts and oilseeds as well as oils made from such oils as walnut oil, rapeseed oil or linseed oil; but not the long-chain fatty acids EPA and DHA. These are primarily found in fatty sea fish. Especially long-chain n-3 fatty acids also play an important role in the growth and development of the brain. They influence the flow properties of the blood and thus prevent deposits in the blood vessels. In addition, they form important structural lipids in the body and influence the muscle function as well as inflammatory and immune reactions. (Pm)