Health, Appearance, Mind Many good reasons for more sleep

Health, Appearance, Mind Many good reasons for more sleep / Health News
Nice, slim, smart: a lot of sleep not only protects against illnesses
The term "beauty sleep" already means that sleep makes you pretty. But there are even more reasons why you should pay attention to adequate sleep. Among other things, it is also beneficial to health, creativity and happiness.
Lack of sleep endangers the health
Some people boast about getting along with only a few hours of sleep, but actually it has long been known that not enough is unhealthy. Sleep deprivation is often the cause of diabetes and heart attacks. The question of how many hours of sleep are healthy is usually answered by experts at around seven. It should not be too little - but not too much, because researchers say that late sleepers have a greater risk of stroke. But sleep is not just important for your health. There are many more good reasons. In a report of the "Frankfurter Rundschau" (FR) some of them are summarized:

Good sleep is important for your health. Picture: lenets_tan - fotolia

Well-rested people look more beautiful
Widely used is the view that sleep promotes good looks. That there is a kind of beauty sleep, which has a positive effect on the attractiveness, has also been shown in a Swedish study. Well-rested people look prettier than tired. Sleep also has an impact on weight. When the body uses up the energy of the dinner for the metabolism, it uses our fat reserves at night. According to various studies, sleep deprivation promotes overweight. Another positive effect: The hormone leptin secreted during sleep blocks the feeling of hunger.

Learning while sleeping
By getting enough sleep you can also be smarter. Anyone who gives their brains time to take what they have learned before exams can also call it up accordingly. In deep sleep, important information enters our long-term memory. Recently, scientists from the Universities of Freiburg and Zurich reported on how people can learn a lot more in their sleep. That lack of sleep endangers the health ("") was already described at the beginning. In addition to the increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, can add another. For example, a recent study from the USA showed that those who sleep a little more often catch cold.

A little nap in the afternoon
As the health insurance DAK explains in their dossier "sleeping keeps healthy", those who sleep a lot, more efficient. In deep sleep, the brain releases a growth hormone that stimulates the formation of new cells. This would not only heal wounds and bones grow, also the nerve cells in the brain networked again to save the impressions of the day. Many health experts also recommend a nap, also called "power nap". This improves memory. However, you should not lie down for more than an hour in the afternoon, because otherwise you will be even more tired.

Connection between sleep and good sex
Sleep also has an impact on creativity. According to US scientists, in the REM sleep phase ("rapid eye movement" phase when the eyes move fast), people develop new creative ideas. Another advantage: It promotes a good mood. Anyone who does not sleep well at night suffers from fatigue during the day, which is why it is usually grumpier than the one who has slept well. Sleep also helps us make decisions with a clearer mind. The phrase "to sleep over it one night" is no coincidence. And last but not least, there is a connection between sleep and good sex. Researchers at the University of Michigan (USA) have found this out in a study. As the scientists reported in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, an extra-hour of sleep boosts the sex desire of young women by 14 percent the next day. According to the investigation, they not only have more but also better sex. (Ad)