Healthy stink fruit Durian - Can you eat that too?

Healthy stink fruit Durian - Can you eat that too? / Health News
Durian - Stink fruit with a special aroma
The Asians love their Durian, even if it stinks to the sky. Because the "Queen of Fruits" has an extraordinary taste reminiscent of a mixture of vanilla pudding, almonds and roasted onions - accompanied by a touch of cream cheese. In addition, the Exotin scores with many valuable ingredients - including provitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C, antioxidant flavonoids and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Extremely healthy but stinky? Picture: thekob5123-fotolia

Since the carbohydrate content is relatively high, it also provides the body with an extra dose of energy.

The durian is the capsule fruit of the civet tree, which has its home in Southeast Asia. The brown-green to yellow-brown fruits have an oblong-oval to round shape and can be up to 30 cm long and 25 cm wide. Usually they reach a weight of around three kilograms. The name derives from the Malaysian word "duri" for sting or thorn, because the shell is covered by thick spines. The ripe fruits fall from the tree and are collected.

That applies at least to the sale on local markets. On the other hand, export fruit must be cut with a stalk shortly before maturity and carefully packed for transport. A ripe fruit exudes an unpleasant sweet-foul smell. Therefore, some airlines and taxi drivers prohibit the transport of fruits. In many hotels and public buildings in Asia, the consumption is not welcome to take into account the sensitive nose of tourists.

Anyone who wants to get involved in the new taste and smell experience, finds the fruit in this country all year round in Asian shops and specialty shops. Look for an intact shell when buying. In addition to the smell, the shake test also shows whether the fruit is ripe. Because in the ripe state, the pulp dissolves and "rattles" in the chambers. Durian fruits spoil quickly and should therefore be eaten quickly. To open the fruit a thick glove is necessary because of the spines.

It is halved with a sharp knife and broken at the seams to remove the meat. Durian tastes fresh, even in combination with other fruits in the fruit salad. The exotic delicacy can be processed into ice cream, fruit sauces and chutney. In Asia, durian is often cooked and served as a vegetable accompaniment. Even the kernels are edible and roasted a tasty snack. Heike Kreutz, bzfe