Make your own healthy sage salmonade yourself

Make your own healthy sage salmonade yourself / Health News

Sage lemonade recipe for the hot summer days


The word sage comes from Latin and means translated „virtue“. In the hot summer days, anyone can easily make a healthy sage lemonade themselves. How this works is explained by Martin Scharff from the restaurant at Heidelberg Castle.

First mix lemon juice with a tablespoon of honey and stir the mixture into cold water, reports Scharrff. Following fresh sage leaves are added. The lemonade now has a full day to go through. After pouring the leaves and serving the following day, a few ice cubes are added. Now the refreshing and healthy drink is ready for the hot days.

Up to 1000 different types of sage exist in nature. However, only 15 to 20 varieties are interesting for the kitchen, explains the chef. Widely used and therefore often used is the classic garden sage, which is commercially available everywhere. For lovers of fancy flavors, sage that smells and tastes of pineapple or honeydew melon is suitable. These varieties can be found in specialized nurseries or herb traders.

Sage is one of the medicinal herbs of naturopathy and is rich in essential oils. Sage is used, for example, to relieve sore throat in the form of herbal tea or against excessive sweating. A tea with fresh sage leaves can also be used for abdominal pain and bowel problems, for example after antibiotic therapy. (Sb)

Image: Media Director / Markus Leiter