Healthy Birth - It was the sun, not the moon and not the stars

Healthy Birth - It was the sun, not the moon and not the stars / Health News
Fish are as deep as the ocean, bulls are earthbound, twins as flighty as the wind, and rams advance like a steppe fire. Although science has long known that the stars do not determine our fate, but horoscopes are booming as in pre-modern times.

"Good" horoscope interpreters often understand their clients through psychological manipulation: brainwashing.

Not the signs of the zodiac but the sun influences the children (Martinan /

Science explains magical thinking
Modern science found natural explanations for many phenomena considered as supernatural, such as witches and magic plants: the wolf does not howl to pay homage to the moon, but to communicate with its conspecifics, a "witch's flight" can be brought about with LSD and Nostradamos Although he did not look to the future, he provided profound forecasts from his knowledge of society.

The month of birth characterizes the health
A Columbia University study came to a stunning conclusion: The month we're born really affects our society.

However, this is not on Mars in the fifth house nor on Jupiter in conjunction with the sun, nor on the ascendant Scorpio or Mercury in Libra, but on the weather.

The study
The researchers studied 1.5 million people born between 1990 and 2000. 55 illnesses accumulated at a certain date of birth.

Capricorns with blood pressure, fish with heart problem
Those born in January had a higher risk for hypertension and lung cancer, but overall a high life expectancy.

In March, those born in March showed a tendency to heart disease, atrial fibrillation and vascular calcification, prostate disease and pollen allergies.

Children born in April often suffer from sore throats, maycients are rarely ill, and August children suffer from asthma, but have little problems with stroke and heart attack.

What are the differences??
In a previous study, scientists from Cambridge University blamed the sun for the generally better condition and earlier puberty of summer-born children.

Summer children get more sun
If the pregnant mothers are exposed to a higher level of solar radiation, then the body also produces more vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency
In turn, it strengthens the immune system, while vitamin D deficiency makes it susceptible to colds, muscle weakness, respiratory problems, kidney problems, periodontal disease, as well as mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression.

Concrete diseases can not be explained
The researchers from Cambridge confirm the results of the Columbia University scientists: In May, June and July, births are the healthiest of all.

The exact diseases that increasingly affect "fish", "ibex" or "shooter", explains the influence of the sun but not. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)