Healthy cheating Many moans think that they are fit and healthy
How much exercise does a person need??
A major German health check revealed that 92 percent of participants believe they are moving enough. In fact, only 40 percent of respondents did. More than one in two (52 percent) has the false assumption that they are moving enough to stay fit and healthy.
The Stiftung Deutsche Stroke-Hilfe recently evaluated the data from more than 2,000 health surgeries, which it conducted in 2018. It showed that 60 percent of the audited persons in the average age of 50 move too little. It was striking, however, that a large part of the moan of movement seals up more movement than is true in reality.
In theory, 92 percent of Germans are sufficient. In practice, there are only 40 percent. (Image: Trueffelpix / the imagination a movement miracle
Hardly any force is stronger than the imagination. She makes out of couch potions and office stallions athletes, without the persons have to make a finger crooked. Unfortunately, this seemingly effective mind game only works in your own mind. However, 52 percent of those surveyed use the false self-assessment to cheat more healthily than they actually are. A self-deception to protect against lifestyle changes?
Imagination is also a formation
These startling numbers come from an evaluation of 2,081 health checks of the Deuschen Stroke Help. Among the people who considered themselves fit and healthy, there were some people with hypertension and obesity. Only 40 percent met the recommendation of the World Health Organization WHO of at least 2.5 hours of moderate physical activity per week. This minimum requirement is considered effective in preventing heart disease.
WHO recommendation is too profound
"And from our point of view, the 2.5 hours are already too profound," sports scientist Klaus Clasing emphasizes in a press release for the test evaluation. He carries out the health checks in companies and organizations on behalf of the Foundation German Stroke Help and advises the participants. Many people are amazed that many movements of everyday life such as housework are not included in this balance of movement.
Awareness in terms of movement
The sports scientist makes a lack of health knowledge responsible for the frequent lack of exercise and the blatant deviation from self-assessment and reality. "This is clear evidence that in terms of health education in Germany, we are still far from being as far as we think," sums up Clasing. (Vb)