Disrupted healing causes chronic wounds

Disrupted healing causes chronic wounds / Health News

Disrupted healing: the causes of chronic wounds


Usually the skin has very good healing powers. This changes, however, if, for example, the circulation is disturbed. The emergence of a chronic wound is then often unremarkable. It starts with a small wound, which then gets bigger and does not want to heal. After six weeks, the medicine then starts from a chronic wound.

The most well-known group of sufferers include the diabetics. On the one hand, as a result of illness-related damage to tissue and nerves, they do not immediately feel minor injuries, on the other hand, poor blood circulation and high blood sugar levels lead to poorer wound healing, especially on the feet. Physicians speak in this context of the diabetic foot.

Vascular disorders often trigger
But there are other diseases as a cause in question. Especially damaged vessels are often triggers of chronic wounds. They are as „Leg Ulcer“, known as an open leg. It arises e.g. as a result of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD), which severely constricts the leg arteries and obstructs blood flow as the veins dilate and become varicose veins. It comes to blood and water retention in the legs, the skin turns yellowish or brown and itches and thickening.
In addition, there are rare skin diseases such as pyoderma gangrenosum and vasculitis, which can cause poor wound healing. Smoking, lack of exercise and obesity can also lead to circulatory disorders and thus to chronic wounds.

Exact diagnosis of central importance
Once such has formed, it does not help to care for the wound alone. Especially important is a thorough diagnosis: „You have to look for the cause - and treat it“, says wound expert Dr. Till Geimer. Otherwise, new wounds will form. Above all, the vessels must be examined. Also, a skin sample and a test for bacteria come into consideration to get to the root cause of disturbed wound healing on the track.

To treat such diseases, vascular surgery nowadays knows a wide variety of therapeutic methods. Ill veins, for example, can become desolate, and varicose veins can „stripped“ become. Bottlenecks can be stretched, and if that does not work, there is still the possibility of a bypass. There are also medications that promote blood circulation. In vasculitis, immunotherapy is used. In addition, in diabetics, the blood sugar level must be optimally adjusted. „It is not uncommon for older patients to suffer from several diseases at once“, says Geimer. However, circulatory disorders can also be treated in addition with measures to stimulate the blood circulation. Movement therapy and alternating warm baths are an option, for example. Acupuncture may be suitable for pain relief.

In addition, homeopathy may be promising in the early stages of circulatory disorders. Depending on the symptoms, it is possible to use abrotanum, (boar rue), tabacum (tobacco), Espeletia grandiflora, Secale cornutum (ergot) and creosote (beech wood tar).

Wound therapy is important
In addition to causal research, wound therapy plays an important role. For this it may be necessary to first remove damaged tissue. If the wound does not heal, a vacuum pump can be used. It promotes healing by negative pressure and ensures a reduction of the germs in the wound. If the wound is too big, skin transplantation can help. Here, the transplanting of own skin of the body as well as in the laboratory bred own skin comes into consideration. (Jp)

Picture: Janusz Klosowski