Breastfed children are less affected by asthma

Breastfed children are less affected by asthma / Health News

BVKJ: Asthma develops less in breastfed children

Breast milk not only provides infants with the necessary nutrients for development but also has a positive effect on the child's health. In a recent study, this has also confirmed in relation to future childhood asthma diseases. Breastfed children were therefore less affected by their disease than non-breastfed children.

"An analysis of children with asthma showed that those children who had been breastfed had a 45% lower risk of experiencing significant aggravation of their asthma symptoms later in life compared to children who had not been breastfed were, "reports the Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ). Dutch scientists from the University of Utrecht had published a corresponding study in the journal Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

Breastfed children suffer less from asthma in later life. (Image: juan_aunion /

Breastfeeding reduces the asthma symptoms

For their study, the researchers analyzed the data from 960 children between the ages of four and twelve, who took regular asthma medications. The onset of asthma symptoms was compared in breastfed and non-breastfed children. The breastfed children were further divided into long (more than six months) and short (less than six months) breastfed children. The researchers came to the clear conclusion that breastfeeding is generally associated with a lower intensity of asthma symptoms. Even in the long-breasted children even fewer symptoms could be detected than in the short-breasted subjects.

Breastfeeding prevents asthma?

The extent to which breastfeeding contributes to a general reduction in the risk of asthma remains open, according to the researchers. "Although our study suggests that breastfeeding is a preventative measure against worsening asthma over time, it is still unclear whether there is a causal link between breastfeeding and asthma exacerbations," the BVKJ quoted the study's lead author, Dr. Anke Maitland-van der Zee.

Influencing the immune system via the intestinal flora

A possible link with the risk of asthma could, according to experts, be explained by the effect of breastfeeding on the immune system. Because breastfeeding influences the composition and activity of the intestinal flora in early life and thus also the immune system in the longer term.

"These changes could indirectly determine the course of asthma," said the study author. Further research is now needed to review this association and clarify the underlying mechanisms. (Fp)