Tested mosquito repellent often do not protect

Tested mosquito repellent often do not protect / Health News

Test: mosquito repellent often does not protect well


The summer and with it the holiday season are coming up. And thus also the mosquitoes, which are not only annoying, but also can transmit dangerous illnesses. Stiftung Warentest has now tested 21 anti-mosquito products and came to the conclusion that only a few of them protect well.

Only four out of 21 anti-mosquito drugs good
The current summer weather is already a taste of the upcoming holiday season. Not only the humans, but also mosquitoes enjoy the high temperatures. The little pests are not only annoying, but can also transmit dangerous infectious diseases like malaria or dengue fever. How good the various anti-mosquito agents that are offered on the market, has now taken the Stiftung Warentest under the microscope. The test showed that only four out of the 21 tested products are well prepared for mosquitoes.

Low effect of some remedies is annoying
The product test project manager Hans-Peter Brix said that some funds have such a low impact, „that it is annoying.“ It was tested how long it took to inject the five volunteer subjects into the forearm after spraying with the agent. Three different types of mosquitoes were used: the diurnal yellow fever mosquito, the southern mosquito and the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. For up to eight hours, the best remedies withstand the attacks of the bloodsuckers. But the sprays not only help, but often irritate the eyes and mucous membranes. The testers awarded a total of four times the verdict „Well“, 3 times „satisfying“, nine times „sufficient“ and five times „inadequate“.

Means irritate the mucous membranes
Autan Insektenschutz Protection Plus was named test winner. The advantage of this spray is that the drug Icaridin and not diethyltoluamide (DEET) is, which is particularly irritating to mucous membranes. For a holiday in mosquito-infested areas, Nobite Hautspray or Anti Brumm Forte would offer, as both funds effectively against day and nocturnal mosquitoes and protected against malaria transmitters. Although the children's Autan mosquito repellent Junior Gel is the least harmful to the mucous membrane, mosquitoes only defend it „sufficient“ from.

Mosquito Wristbands without benefit
The Stiftung Warentest also came to the conclusion that the plastic bracelets, which are to protect against mosquitoes, were completely useless. With essential oils filled, they should, without spraying or lubricating, for hours or even weeks to keep the pests away. However, the testers believe that no wristband was able to repel mosquitoes or prevent bites in the test. In addition, two of the six models also detected an unpleasant odor.

Natural protection against mosquitoes
In addition to the use of mosquito repellent, the product testers generally recommend that the clothing be as tightly woven and light in color as possible. An additional protection is long sleeves and in the apartment can protect mosquito nets and mosquito nets successfully. Mosquito repellents should also be reapplied after bathing. For those who want to get along without the chemical remedies, there are also home remedies such as cloves and lemons. If mosquitoes have stung and there is an itchy rash, then it helps to cool the skin with water against the itching. (Sb)

Picture: Peashooter