Sweetened drinks and fruit juices increase the risk of kidney failure

Sweetened drinks and fruit juices increase the risk of kidney failure / Health News

Kidney failure due to too much sugar?

When people consume a lot of sugar, it can lead to serious negative health effects. Researchers now found that consuming sweetened tea, reduced-fat milk and fruit juice increases the risk of kidney disease.

The scientists at Johns Hopkins University found in their current study that the consumption of sweetened beverages can lead to an increased likelihood of developing kidney disease. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology".

Lemonade and other sweetened beverages increase the risk of kidney disease. (Image: Markus Mainka / fotolia.com)

An increased sugar consumption and its consequences

Sweetened drinks have long been recognized as a possible cause of poorer health. Now it becomes clear that even small amounts of sweetened beverages pose a serious health risk. The current research found that, for example, sweetened tea, reduced-fat milk and fruit juice lead to increased intake of sugar, which can cause health problems. Too much sugar can contribute to weight gain and lead to hypertension. Hypertension causes an increased burden on the kidneys. According to the NHS, there are approximately 40,000 to 45,000 premature deaths from kidney disease each year in the UK alone.

More than 3,000 people participated in the study

The current study examined over 3,000 subjects. After being medically monitored for approximately eight years with previously healthy kidneys, six percent suffered from kidney disease. The experts observed that people who prefer sweet drinks seem to be more likely to develop problems with their kidneys. When subjects like to consume sweetened fruit juices or sodas, they more often have kidney disease or kidney failure, the researchers explain. High consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is also associated with an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and gout, the doctors continue.

Which symptoms indicate a kidney failure?

Renal failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer function properly. When the kidneys fail, the body is flooded with toxins and overloaded. Failure to treat this condition fast enough can result in life-threatening consequences. Various symptoms may indicate kidney failure. Such symptoms include, for example, a reduced amount of urine, swelling of the legs, ankles and feet, unexplained shortness of breath, excessive drowsiness or fatigue, persistent nausea, pain or a feeling of pressure in the chest. (As)