Talking to toddlers improves their IQ and language skills

Talking to toddlers improves their IQ and language skills / Health News

Why talking to toddlers so useful

Parents try to give their children a good start in life. Of course, this also includes supporting the children in such a way that they achieve the highest possible IQ and improved language skills. Researchers now found that talking with toddlers improves IQ and language skills.

The researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) found in their current research that when parents talk to their toddlers, it improves their cognitive abilities. The experts published the findings of their study in "Pediatrics," the English-language journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Discussions of toddlers with adults improve their IQ and language skills. (Photo: alexsokolov - fotolia)

Parents must also listen and not just speak for themselves

Parents should more often seek conversation with their young children to improve their cognitive abilities. However, it is very important that there are proper conversations with the children, where the children are also listened to. It is not enough if only the parents persuade their children, the experts say.

What improvements led the discussions?

When infants talk more and talk to an adult more often, they average 14 to 27 percent higher on IQ testing. Verbal understanding, receptivity and vocabulary also improved. Although infants may not yet use correct words, parents should still keep the conversation going, explain the physicians. Parents need to be aware of the importance of interacting with children, even if they are very young and yet can not speak properly, says study author Jill Gilkerson of the University of California, Los Angeles. The more interaction, the better.

How was the study done??

The research team examined children between the ages of 18 months and two years for a period of six months for the study. They recorded the conversations of adults with the children. Years later, the children were re-examined and at the age of nine to 14, their IQ and language skills were analyzed again.

Language learning environment should be integrated at home

The results of the study show that early speech and interaction, especially during the relatively narrow development window of 18 to 24 months, can be used to predict language ability and cognitive outcomes at school age. A lot of specific developmental changes occur at this time. The children learn vocabulary and put together many new words to form sentences, Gilkerson explains.

Researchers say it's critical that families incorporate a so-called language learning environment at home. The study shows that verbal interactions between parents and children in early childhood are crucial for predicting later development. (As)