Healthier development Immediately after birth talk to babies

Healthier development Immediately after birth talk to babies / Health News
Parents should talk to their baby right after birth
Although babies can not begin with words yet, parents should talk to their offspring early on. According to experts, this contributes to a better development of the child. The best thing is the face-to-face contact.

Early influences on language development
It used to be common for adults with babies to speak mostly baby-talk. But today people know: "Dozens of dozens" or "Bubu do" harm children's language development. The later understanding of speech is even influenced even before birth, for example, heard in the womb. And the little ones obviously remember that for a long time. Even the songs from the mother's belly can be remembered, as Austrian scientists discovered.

Parents should talk to their baby soon after birth. This promotes the development of the child. (Image:

Talk to the baby right after birth
Right after birth it is important that parents talk to their baby - even if it does not react to the language at the beginning. The Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) has pointed this out in a message from the dpa news agency.

According to the experts, parents are best turned to the babies when talking. Face-to-face contact and a baby-friendly language draws the child's attention to the words.

Talking to a grown-up or watching TV does not do that.

Communication and individual attention
From about half a year, the little ones understand more and more. For example, children learn new words by pointing to something and naming the subject.

Through simple picture books, speaking can be promoted in addition. According to the experts, parents can also encourage their offspring to talk with simple questions after the age of two.

Communication and individual attention are basically the best language support - for example in the form of a bedtime story. (Ad)