Facial surgeons rely on 3-D printers

Facial surgeons rely on 3-D printers / Health News

Doctors are increasingly using digital 3-D technology and body transplants


People who have suffered serious facial injuries as a result of an accident or a tumor treatment can always be better treated thanks to innovative technology. As the „dpa“ reported, according to the German Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG) within facial surgery more and more on digital 3-D technology and body transplants. As a result, more and more lives can be saved and at the same time a high degree of quality of life and aesthetics can be achieved.

Experts discuss latest techniques of facial reconstruction
From June 11 to 14 this year, the 64th Congress of the German Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG) will take place in Mainz, where 500 specialists will discuss, among other things, new medications and therapies. An important topic is the latest techniques in the reconstruction of bone defects after tumor surgery, accidents or bone necroses. In addition to the now established microsurgical procedures, a new technology in 3D planning and navigation would be the focus, said the scientific board of the University Medical Center Mainz. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Förstermann, in a greeting to the congress. This would already be used in various areas of surgery.

3-D technology enables a high degree of precision and is cost-saving
Using the new technology, for example, grafts of the fibula could be accurately used on the injured head, reports dpa on. According to Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Gerd Gehrke, the speaker of the DGMKG, no consequential damage to the leg arise, instead, it had already happened that a patient four weeks after the procedure was again able to make a mountain hike. In the course of this new procedure body parts with so-called „3D surgical guides“ taken so that the implants can then be placed exactly in the desired position in the face. In addition, it is possible to produce artificial tissue using digital technology to supplement the body's own tissue, explains senior physician Felix Koch of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. „3-D technology saves time during the operation and is precise“, said the doctor - the very rare transplantation of complete faces, however, goes hand in hand with significantly higher costs and massive restrictions and a shortening of life expectancy.

New technology reveals a great clinical benefit for the patient
„What is possible in reconstructive facial surgery and also outpatient in the field of dental implantology through the 3D technology in 2014 is definitely remarkable, and it reveals a great clinical benefit to the patient“, so Förstermann's assessment. For example, in the case of a 51-year-old female patient who suffered from an almost child-sized benign facial and cranial tumor, according to the report of senior chief physician of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bilal Al-Nawas. After the removal of the tumor, the woman was first used with a titanium burster. Following this, the undamaged face half was mirrored to finally make plastic implants for skull, eye socket and zygomatic bone using this template with a 3-D printer. According to the doctor, it was a great success because the patient could have left the clinic after only fourteen days. (No)

Picture: Tim Reckmann