Statutory health insurance companies increase again the contributions

Statutory health insurance companies increase again the contributions / Health News
Increase in additional contributions by up to 0.3 percentage points
On the members of the statutory health insurance companies in the coming years, a noticeable increase in contributions. As the top federation of health insurance companies reported, the average additional contribution will increase to about 1.4 percent of income. This means with a monthly gross income of 2000 euros 6 euros in addition.

Six euros more a month
The statutory health insurance is becoming more expensive. "We have the reality that there will be increasing additional contributions in the next few years," said association head Doris Pfeiffer, according to a statement by the GKV-Spitzenverbands on Thursday. For the coming year, the association predicted an increase in the average additional contribution of up to 0.3 percentage points. This would increase the share to around 1.4 percent of income, which means an additional burden of six euros for a monthly gross monthly income of 2,000 euros.

Legally insured persons must expect higher costs next year. (Image: Setareh /

Additional contribution must be borne by the insured alone
According to the announcement, the additional contribution should be on average 1.8 percent in 2019. This is added to the general contribution rate of 14.6 percent. While the latter is half paid by the employee and the employer, the additional amount has to be borne by the 54 million members of the treasury alone. The increase in contributions was due among other things to doctors and hospital reforms, as well as the funds would receive too little money for Hartz IV recipients, so Pfeiffer. Instead of the received 90 euros, an average of 136 euros per person per month is necessary, which in 2016 would lead to a funding gap of 2.3 billion euros. "Expenditures continue to rise far more than revenue," said the head of the association.

Criticism of the considerations of the Federal Government
According to Pfeiffer, an increase in the rate would be all the more urgent if, in the future, more refugees will be recognized and initially dependent on Hartz IV due to a lack of income. According to the report, the head of the association criticized the idea of ​​the Federal Government to cover the costs of the refugees and the further development of the electronic health card next year with the help of 1.5 billion euros from the reserve of the health fund. If implemented in 2017, the contribution rate would increase by around 0.1 percentage points. According to Pfeiffer, the billions would not have to be "bunkered" in the health fund, but instead of releasing excess money "selectively on the basis of little comprehensible political considerations", it should be "systematically made available to the health insurances," demanded the head of the association. (No)