Actually protecting the statutory health insurance

Actually protecting the statutory health insurance / Health News

City BKK bankruptcy: Statutory health insurance must be effectively protected


"The events in connection with the bankruptcy of City BKK are a single scandal," said the President of the Social and Welfare Association of People's Solidarity, Prof. Dr. med. Gunnar Winkler, on Friday on the events around the City BKK. "It is high time that the tips of the statutory health insurance (SHI) implement their announcement to help the affected insured and it must be done with the discrimination of the elderly insured, the chronically ill and people with disabilities Full medical treatment must not be impeded or denied. "

The Social and Welfare Association Volkssolidarität see with concern that already other health insurance companies are threatened by bankruptcy, such. B. the BKK health professions with 1.7 million insured. When this happens, the SHI as a solidarity system will be challenged even more than it is today. "We therefore call on the Federal Government to make timely arrangements to protect the interests of the insured effectively."

Winkler called for a return to the solidarity principles of the GKV. It would be too short, only to make the health insurance companies responsible for the events around the City BKK. The deeper causes lie in political decisions to drive the GKV into a price competition, which "similar to the private health insurance" promotes a selection between "good" and "bad" risks. The old, the sick and the disabled are at a disadvantage because they count as "bad" risks. The departure from the joint financing and the introduction of income-independent additional contributions act as an accelerator. Therefore, the additional contributions have gone. What is wanted is a return to solidarity financing of the GKV. ??

The health reforms of recent years have led to profound structural changes in the SHI. The health fund introduced in 2009 and the risk structure compensation seem to take into account insufficient structural differences in the cash register landscape. The health insurances were in fact converted from public corporations into companies that have been subject to bankruptcy since 2010. "Continuing to economise on services of general interest in the health sector is the wrong way to go, and politicians should finally acknowledge that (pm).

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