Social change leads to stress

Social change leads to stress / Health News

Social change leads to stress


Six out of ten Germans feel stressed out according to a recent poll. One expert explained that after major social changes, such as the introduction of the Internet, more frequent stress episodes were observed.

Six out of ten Germans feel stressed out
Six out of ten Germans feel stressed out according to a recent poll. In conversation with the „pharmacy magazine“ explains Privatdozent Dr. Mazda Adli, chief physician of the Berlin Fliedner-Klinik: „ Whenever major changes occur in a society, two to three decades later, an increased incidence of stress sequelae can be observed.“ This had been the case for the introduction of electricity over 100 years ago, „and is it again today after the introduction of Internet and digital media“, so Adli.

Reference to social adaptation process
The increased sense of stress is an indication of a social adjustment process. „If we have learned to be more aware of the new communication options, this will change again“, the stress researcher told the magazine. The health magazine „pharmacy magazine“ 12/2013 B is available at most pharmacies and is delivered to customers without additional payment for health advice.

Stress is normal
Basically, stress is quite normal to some extent because „positive stress“ (Eustress) increases the attention, increases our performance and motivation - without harming the body. It becomes difficult only when stress occurs too often or permanently and is not mitigated by suitable stress reduction exercises. Then we feel stress as negative (distress), feel threatened, overwhelmed and often experience physical consequences, because permanent negative stress increases the risk of (serious) health problems such as stomach problems, intestinal problems, high blood pressure, heart disease or back pain enormously. (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz