Sexually transmitted diseases are often not recognized

Sexually transmitted diseases are often not recognized / Health News

Sexually transmitted diseases: what to do if it burns "downstairs"?
In some regions of Germany sexually transmitted diseases occur more often. Infections can also stay without symptoms. The pathogens can still be passed on. Often people are ashamed and therefore avoid a doctor visit. That can be dangerous.

Sexually transmitted diseases often cause distress in the genital area, but can also be without symptoms. (Image: SENTELLO /

Sexually transmitted diseases can be dangerous
For years, sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis and others have been on the rise in Europe. In some areas, such as in Saxony, more and more people are becoming infected with such pathogens. This is what the State Health and Veterinary Research Institute (LUA) came up with in its latest "Annual Report 2014". Experts advise again and again that you should go to the urologist for itching in the genital area. But many do not and this can be dangerous.

Many are ashamed when it itches "bottom"
Sufferers are often ashamed of "itching, burning or scratching" below, thus avoiding seeing a doctor. But this is urgently needed. Some venereal diseases can lead to infertility or even cancer if left untreated. This reports the tablet magazine "Apotheken Umschau elixier". According to the information there are effective therapies against gonorrhea, syphilis or chlamydia, which is common in Germany. However, an infection often remains symptomless. Thus pathogens are often passed unintentionally to partners.

Protect against contagion with condoms
According to health experts, it is also problematic that some of the diseases can only show symptoms after a longer period of time. Although reddish ulcers on the genitalia or where the pathogens could invade the organism, are possible signs of syphilis infection, but in the initial stage, these ulcers are usually not accompanied by pain. However, they give off an aqueous fluid that threatens transmission of the disease. About two months after infection, sufferers usually suffer from flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache and body aches. The lymph nodes swell and it develops an itchy rash. Whether syphilis or other sexually transmitted diseases: By the use of condoms one protects oneself and also the sexual partner against an infection. (Ad)