Treat reddish scaly parts on hands

Treat reddish scaly parts on hands / Health News

Caution should be exercised in dry, reddened areas of the hands


Scaly, reddened areas on the skin should not be downplayed, but urgently need adequate medical care, since otherwise the development of chronic eczema threatens, so the latest release from the BG for Health Service and Welfare (BGW).

In winter, according to the BGW, the skin is particularly dry and vulnerable, which promotes the formation of rough, scaly and reddened areas on the hands. According to the experts, these should not be underestimated, since the affected skin areas can quickly develop into annoying eczema. Corresponding skin irritations are no trivialities and must be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid further health problems, according to the latest BGW communication.

The skin degreases and dries up
The professional association for health service and welfare is responsible as statutory accident insurance for all non-governmental institutions in the health service and welfare. Here, among other things, the employees of the health, nursing and beauty professions are accident insured. Overall, BGW serves around seven million insured persons in almost 630,000 companies. According to the BGW, many of the jobs in question are stressful for their own hands. For example, frequent hair washing in the hairdressing profession or washing patients in nursing occupations results in a loss of the natural protective function of the skin. The skin is degreased and becomes dry, the BGW explained. The result is dry, rough and red spots on the hands. Although these initially cause hardly any complaints, they should definitely be taken seriously. Verena Kagel from the BGW.

Threatening development of chronic eczema
In addition to the frequent contact with detergents, washing lotions or shampoos, according to the BGW also dealing with hard and rough materials that rub on the skin, leaving small wounds and redness on the hands, which gradually spread to eczema. Especially „People who have to deal with water, chemicals, or harsh materials more frequently and for longer can develop chronic eczema in a relatively short time, which will not heal on their own“, explained Dr. Verena Kagel. In such cases could „only a dermatologist can help.“ Those who notice red spots on their hands should, according to the expert, therefore urgently avoid further strain on the hands to prevent the spread of symptoms such as the formation of blisters and tears.

Skin protection cream can help to avoid dry spots
For example, BGW cites the wearing of household gloves when working with water or leather or work gloves in contact with rough objects as possible measures to avoid further burdens. However, the gloves should not be worn too long, as the skin here quickly starts to sweat and so further irritation to the hands may be the result. Here, the BGW recommends occasionally to change the activity in order to interrupt the constant load on the hands. According to the experts, a thorough care is essential in order to achieve a healing of the reddened areas. Skin protection cream is a good option to protect your hands from the stress of the skin and also from wearing protective gloves. Verena Kagel. The hands should also be thoroughly creamed in the interdental spaces before the corresponding activities, emphasized Kagel.

Care lotion supply the skin with moisture and fat
To give the hands after work the moisture and the lost skin fat, recommends the expert of the BGW care lotions. If the rough, red and flaky spots persist anyway, according to Dr. In any case, call Verena Kagel a dermatologist. Especially in winter „in cold temperatures outside and dry indoor air indoors“ must in the opinion of Kagel „Even more attention should be given to skin protection - for example by treating the hands more frequently and with more moisturizing preparations.“ When staying outdoors are also protective „warming gloves“ attached, explained the BGW expert.

Trade associations inform in skin consultation hours
In view of the risk of chronic eczema, persons who suffer from reddened and dry hands for professional reasons should contact their employers' liability insurance association in order to ask for possible countermeasures. Verena Kagel. For example, the BGW insured persons are offered a free skin consultation in the regional training and counseling centers. There are also discussions and seminars in which the participants learn to protect their skin from negative external influences and to behave properly in the case of work that is damaging to the skin, explained Dr. Kagel.

Natural cream for the protection of the skin
From a naturopathic point of view, the protection of the skin in winter, especially natural creams and ointments based on beeswax, shea butter, almond or avocado oil are recommended. Care should be taken to ensure that the products contain no water that could freeze on the skin at winter temperatures. Such products are available for example in health food stores or health food stores. Also some drugstore chains such as „dm“ now offer such natural creams at relatively manageable prices. However, users should make sure that as little chemical additives as possible are included, as they in turn may trigger allergies and redness. (Fp)

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Picture: Günther Gumhold