Lower risk of cancer with lactose intolerance

Lower risk of cancer with lactose intolerance / Health News

Lower risk of cancer with lactose intolerance


In lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance) sufferers respond to the consumption of milk or dairy products with various physical complaints. These people, however, seem to have not only advantages but also advantages. According to a new study, they are less likely to develop breast, ovarian and lung cancer.

Lower risk for certain types of cancer
According to a report from „Science currently“ People who suffer from lactose intolerance have a lower risk of developing certain cancers. However, this does not apply to close relatives of these individuals, which speaks against genetic causes. The connection is therefore more likely to be explained by dietary influences, as Swedish researchers in the journal „British Journal of Cancer“ to report. However, the results do not necessarily conclude that increased consumption of milk and dairy products increases the risk of breast, ovarian and lung cancer. On the contrary, other factors that are not statistically recorded could be of crucial importance.

Dairy consumption could favor the development of breast and ovarian cancer
„We must interpret our results with caution, because they are not enough to establish a causal relationship“, Jianguang Ji from Lund University explained according to the report. Further investigations should identify the factors responsible for the study results. While there is evidence that high levels of milk consumption may favor the development of breast and ovarian cancer, the number of cases in countries with high milk and dairy consumption (North America, Central and Northern Europe) is highest in the world, but low consumed (East Asia and Central Africa) is the lowest. However, previous studies have not provided clear evidence of a causal relationship.

Ingredients of the food may be responsible
In the study, the researchers evaluated data from 22,788 people diagnosed with lactose intolerance. It was found that their risk of developing breast, ovarian or lung cancer was significantly lower than that of the general population. By contrast, the values ​​for the likelihood of illness of siblings and parents of lactose-intolerant individuals were in the normal range. From this, "the possible explanation could follow that certain ingredients of milk and dairy products - which were avoided by those affected - have a cancer-promoting effect." Another explanation would be "that foods consumed by lactose-intolerant people as a substitute for dairy products, such as soymilk, contain substances with anti-cancer effects". In addition, "a lower calorie intake could play a role".

Those affected avoid foods with lactose
In the case of lactose intolerance, a special form of food intolerance, the lactose absorbed in the gut with milk or other food can not be digested in the intestine because the required enzyme, the lactase, is missing or produced in too small an amount. To avoid the typical symptoms, such as digestive problems, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting or diarrhea, sufferers usually abstain from lactose-containing foods or take them together with lactase preparations. (Ad)

Image: Gereon Balzer