Low participation in homeopathy overdose

Low participation in homeopathy overdose / Health News

Low participation in the action 10:23 „overdose“ homeopathy


The Society for the Scientific Investigation of Parasitic Sciences, GWUP for short, had to masses-„overdose“-Action in Berlin, Hamburg, Essen, Cologne, Vienna, Frankfurt and Munich invited for the 5th of February. Public should be one „overdose“ homeopathic remedies are taken; The absence of symptoms of poisoning should prove the ineffectiveness of the drugs. But the actionists stayed away. In most cities, barely 20 people participated in the announced mass action. Thus, the GWUP could barely mobilize its own members.

In Hamburg and Cologne even parents gave their children whole bottles of homeopathic medicines for oral use. The media in Germany are the „overdose“ The GWUP was skeptical and reported little on this PR action. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) warned that potential health risks may be associated with massive overdoses. „From the point of view of the BfArM, calls to take medicines in overdoses do not contribute to the education and sensitization of patients“, It was said by the Bonn authority. The German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) explains in a press release why this action is meaningless. „This so-called overdose is utter nonsense, as it does not matter in high potencies, whether 2 or 500 globules are taken“, explains Curt Kösters, second chairman of the DZVhÄ, „In addition, there are medical requirements for a homeopathic proving that are crucial for success.“ The frequency of taking granules is crucial, not the amount. That homeopathic provings work well documented and confirmed in double-blind studies. (Pm)

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GWUP plans homeopathy overdose action
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